(SMUT)(REQUESTED)- Joseph Suaa'lii

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Requested By: Al3x1a095

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Requested By: Al3x1a095

Laying in bed watching tv as it was raining an I couldn't think of anything to do except lay in bed grabbing my phone to play it I see a message from Joseph.

Hey Baby I know it's raining but it's hot, when I come home be dressed in a sexy outfit not to revealing 🤨 I've booked us a date at a restaurant so be ready by 6pm Love you babygirl 😘

Ok I'll be ready by then Love you to

Putting my phone down I smiled an decided to close my eye's. Waking upto my alarm I turned it off an sat up it was now 3pm so I got out of bed an turned the tv off.

Making myself a salad an sandwich I sat at the dining table looking through my email's while listening to music. After washing my dishes I grabbed my phone an saw a text from Joseph saying he was on his way home even though it was only 4pm.

The front door unlocked an I looked at the clock on the wall Reading 4:30pm Baby I'm home -Joseph said Living Room -I said as he walked down the hall.

He made his way to me Hey baby why aren't you ready -He said kissing my head I looked at him confused Jo you said 6pm -I said Wait really I meant 5pm -He said pulling his phone out an checking the message's.

I'm so sorry baby wrong information 5pm well we better hurry -He said as I laughed he smiled an pecked my lip's. We stood up an rushed to the bedroom.

I had already had a shower earlier in the day so Jo had a quick one while I changed.

Jo walked out God damn baby you look sexy -He said putting his arm's around me Thank you baby you look hot to -I said He smiled an kissed me I kissed back an wrapped my arm's his shoulder's we stumbled back

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Jo walked out God damn baby you look sexy -He said putting his arm's around me Thank you baby you look hot to -I said He smiled an kissed me I kissed back an wrapped my arm's his shoulder's we stumbled back.

Let's go eat some dinner then we can finish -He said poking my nose I nodded an we walked out of the house to his car. We arrived at the restaurant I see people wearing t-shirt's an short's.

Uh Joseph I feel very overdressed right now -I said holding onto his arm Don't baby you look fucking hot an you should feel like a damn queen my queen -He said holding my cheek an kissing me I nodded.

We sat down in the restaurant an ordered So what did you do today bub -He said I laughed Nothing except sleep in bed without my man -I said He laughed I don't blame you it was raining but you will have me tomorrow -He said.

Our food arrived Thank you -I said smiling at the Waiter So how was training -I asked while eating my pasta Great I'm starting in the game against Panther's -He said I'll be their -I said Good my cheerleader -He said You know it -I said.

Y/n.Y/l/n Story

I put my phone away an Joseph's phone buzzed as I finished my pasta, He looked at it an saw my post I am sexy aren't I -He said putting his phone down Yes, Yes you are -I said

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I put my phone away an Joseph's phone buzzed as I finished my pasta, He looked at it an saw my post I am sexy aren't I -He said putting his phone down Yes, Yes you are -I said.

We left the restaurant an got back in the car, Reaching home it was already 8pm we got out of the car an I unlocked the front door.

Taking my shoe's off I hanged my bag up an walked into the bedroom soon I felt arm's wrap around my waist an pick me up then throwing me on the bed I squealed an leaned on my elbow's.

Joseph took his shirt off an climbed on top of me I put my hand on the back of his neck an kissed him he kissed back an pulled my jumpsuit strap's down my shoulder's.

His head moving down to my neck I tilted my head as I palmed him through his pant's he let out a groan an stood up. Taking my jumpsuit an undie's off as he took his off as well.

He climbed on top of me again an kissed me I kissed back hard an I soon felt him enter me I moaned as he went faster "Oh my god" I let out So tight baby -He said as he held my leg's an rammed in Yes, yes -I moaned out.

As I cummed Joseph let me ride my high an kept going as he shot into me he flopped beside me an brang me closer to him he kissed my head as I closed my eye's an fell asleep.

The End

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