Dom Young- 1,2 many come take me home

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Pulling into my driveway I got out of my car an made my way to my front door, unlocking the door I walked in, kicking my shoe's off I shut the door

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Pulling into my driveway I got out of my car an made my way to my front door, unlocking the door I walked in, kicking my shoe's off I shut the door.

Going into my bedroom I got changed out of my work clothes an into a tracksuit. I grabbed a bag of chip's an a Corona from the fridge an sat on the lounge catching up on MAFS.

My phone buzzed an it was my friend's telling me that were going out tonight an I can come I told them I would meet them their.

I groaned an stood up, going back into my bedroom I played some music an got changed.

After ordering an uber I chugged another Corona an left the house as the uber pulled up I got in an thanked the driver

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After ordering an uber I chugged another Corona an left the house as the uber pulled up I got in an thanked the driver. Arriving I thanked the driver again an got out.

Seeing my friend's I waved at them an walked over to them Hey guy's -I said Nothing Ok well I'm gonna get a drink do you want anything -I said No -Lila said Oh ok -I said.

Walking inside I sat at the bar an ordered a shot Thank's -I said shooting it down Can I get a Vodka Sprite an make it strong -I said "Yep" -Barista said "So what's wrong" -They said My friend's are being bitches they invited me here after my long stressful day at work an their being snobby an not talking to me -I said "That's fucked up" -He said Excactly -I said.

Soon I see my so called friend's enter Here they come -I said He laughed Y/n your a bitch an a slag you only live off your brother you goldigger -Madi said Oh just fuck off I work a more high paying job then my brother just cause you like him cause he's rich an he play's NRL doesn't mean he will date you cause your rude to his little sister -I said looking at her.

They left "Damn wait who's your brother" -He said Victor Radley -I said "Oh yeh he's a great player do you guy's have a close connection" -He said Oh yeh he's very protective -I said "That's good" -He said.

I was super drunk an it was 2am I grabbed my phone an called Dom. He answered Hello -He said groggily I smiled Dom I've had 1,2 many come take me home -I said Y/n are you drunk -He said Well I did just say that -I said Where are you -He said.

Don't worry I just sent you my location -I said Ok be safe an stay inside -He said Yes sir -I said ending the call. Waking upto a hand on my shoulder Y/n time to get up -Dom said Mhm -I mumbled Come on we gotta get you home -He said Your place -I said Sure you can stay their -He said.

We left an got in his car Thank's Dom your the best an your so cute to -I said slurring No problem Y/n why are you so drunk -He said I got in a fight -I said What with who -He said The girl's an mainly Madi who is trying to get with my brother I don't want him to get hurt she only like's him for the money -I said.

Arriving at his house I got out of the car an he helped me inside Come on -He said helping me into the guest room Thank's for your help Dom -I said No problem anytime -He said giving me some clothes from his sister.

Dom left the room an I rang Victor "Hey sis you alright" -He said No -I said crying "Sis what's wrong are you safe" -He said seriously Yeh I'm safe I'm just worried about you -I said "Why sis" -He said.

I got in a fight with Madi so I'm now friendless an she only want's to date you for the money please dont trust her -I said soon I hear "Get out of my house an don't talk to my sister ever again" Vic you ok bro -I said crying.

"She was here Y/n" -He said I cried deeply I'm so sorry Vic -I said "It's not your fault sis where are you" -He said I'm at Dom's house in his guest room -I said "That's ok I know you like him I trust him" -He said Thank's brother -I said "No problem talk later get some rest" -He said Ok love you -I said "Love you to sis" -He said ending the call.

I sat their crying my eye's out getting out of bed I made my way to Dom's room knocking on it I slowly opened it Y/n what's wrong -Dom said I'm sorry I'm just not good right now I can't sleep -I said.

Don't worry come here -He said I shut the door an walked over I hopped in the bed an laid next to him Come here -He said hugging me I cried in his arm's an soon fell asleep.

The End.

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