(SMUT)(REQUESTED)- Jayden Campbell

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Requested By: brooklyn397~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sitting on the lounge wondering what to have for dinner was alway's a hard choice I had been stuck in thought for probably 30 minute's

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Requested By: brooklyn397
Sitting on the lounge wondering what to have for dinner was alway's a hard choice I had been stuck in thought for probably 30 minute's.

Baby I'm home -Jayden said I looked up to see Jayden Oh Hi -I said You ok babe -He said Yeh just wondering what to have for dinner -I said It's already sorted -He said Huh -I said We're going out for dinner so go get ready -He said pulling me up from the lounge an giving me a kiss.

I bolted to the bedroom as I heard rustling downstairs Jay you good -I yelled Yes baby just putting the grocerie's away -He said This is why I love this man He must've known we weren't in a good food place so he got grocerie's.

Finding an outfit I had a shower shaved all of the place's an brushed my teeth, I got changed an did my hair. Walking out of the room.

Going downstairs I faced the kitchen an Jayden looked up Fuck me -He said coming to me Later Jay -I said putting my arm's around his neck You look hot I don't like that your boob's are out their mean't for me -He said Yeh it's called distraction -I said.

Going downstairs I faced the kitchen an Jayden looked up Fuck me -He said coming to me Later Jay -I said putting my arm's around his neck You look hot I don't like that your boob's are out their mean't for me -He said Yeh it's called distraction -...

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Jayden got dressed Shall we stay home -I said Oh now your the horny one -He said Well we can have one round right -I said Hah nope look at the time we have to get going -He said grabbing my hand an we walked out to the car where he helped me in the car.

I huffed We will do it later baby -He said I'm gonna make your life harder tonight -I said Go for it baby an I'll make sure you can't walk tomorrow -He said looking at me.

We arrived at the restaurant an I got out closing the door I walked to Jayden an smacked his butt Damn baby I would already think your intoxicated -He said looking at me But you have a great butt -I said An you do to -He said smacking my butt Jayden -I said He smirked.

Walking inside we found a seat outside of the restaurant on the ocean nice fairylight's what do you want to eat darling -He said sitting in front of me A great steak an chip's an a coke -I said You not drinking -He said Well I don't want to be lonely cause you drove -I said I can have 2 beer's in this 1st hour to drive an we live literally 2 street's away -He said Ok well then a beer -I said.

Our meal's came Oh this is amazing -I said groaning of the steak Babe stop it -He said What it's good -I said looking at him Stop moaning -He said Oop -I said eating another piece an moaning.

I took a gulp of my beer Refreshing -I said brushing my top part so my boob's popped out more I wasn't going to make this a fun night for Jayden He looked up Y/n cover your breast's up now -He said Uh No -I said Alright let's head home -He said.

We made it home an I got out of the car an made my way inside as I unlocked the door I took my shoe's an jacket off. Jayden's hand's wrapped around my waist an ravelled my dress up my body an chucked it.

He lifted me up an walked upstair's to our bedroom. Putting me on the ground I attached my lip's to his He kissed back as I unbuttoned his shirt an chucked it I licked down his ab's an undone his pant's I pulled them down with his undie's.

I grabbed his dick an put it in my mouth Oh yes baby -He said putting a hand on head he pushed my head into his dick an I gagged after I finished him off He pushed me onto the bed an pulled my undie's off.

He leaned over an licked my vagina Oh my god -I said he licked up my body kissing my boob's then rammed into me Jayden oh my god -I said Your so tight -He said Jayden I'm gonna cum -I let out Cum for me baby -he said which I did.

Jayden flopped beside me That was great -He said Yeh but guess what -I said What -He said I can walk -I said standing up an walking but then falling Jayden Campbell -I said He laughed Geez babe -He said standing up an putting some short's on he gave me his shirt which I slipped on he lifted me up an putted me in bed He tucked me in Guess your staying in bed tomorrow -He said I huffed an rolled over.

The End.

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