Never again

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SPOILERS (maybe)






3rd person POV:

Sanemi and Giyuu were watching fireworks. Sanemi was genuinely enjoying them. Giyuu was planning something. "I forgot something at home, Nemi. I'll be back." Giyuu said.

"Okay. Just be back here before they end, okay?" Sanemi said.

"Mhm." Giyuus hummed in response.

Giyuu got up and walked back to his and Sanemis house. He had to be quick. The fireworks were gonna finish soon. Giyuu got paper and he left his haori in the house. He wrote a note.

'Dear Sanemi,

If it worked, always remember that nothing is your fault. I left my haori so that you can remember me. Thank you for everything you've done for me. Please don't kill yourself for me. I love you.' Giyuu wrote.

He went over to the balcony and looked down. Giyuu climbed on the railings. He smiled and took a step forward. Just then, he felt something grab onto his hand. Giyuu turned to see Sanemi holding on to him as he dangled. "What. The. Fuck. Giyuu." Sanemi said as he attempted to pull me up.

Giyuu got pulled up but Sanemi lost his balance and fell over. He landed in the pond they built (I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING). Giyuu gasped. "NEMI!!!" He shrieked in horror.

He ran to the phone and called 911.


Giyuu was sitting in the waiting room. He was waiting for the doctors to come out and tell him that Sanemi was okay. 

"This is your fault."

"You're stupid."

"Why did you do that?"

Giyuu thought. He had been in the waiting room for 2 hours. Another 2 hours passed. A doctor came out of the room. "Shinazugawa Giyuu?" The doctor asked.

Giyuu stood up quickly. "Yes?" He asked. "Is he okay?"

"Yes. But he will go in a coma. We don't know how long." The doctor said.

Giyuu sighed in relief. "Can I see him?" He asked.

The doctor nodded and led him to Sanemis room. There, he saw Sanemi laying on a hospital bed. Giyuu ran to his side and sat next to him for the rest of the night. That was how everyday went for 6 months.


One day, Giyuu got a call from the hospital Sanemi was staying at. "Hello? Is this Shinazugawa Giyuu?" The caller asked.

"Yes."  I  said.

"We wanted to inform you that Shinazugawa Sanemi has woken up!" The caller exclaimed.

Giyuus eyes widened. "Okay, Thank you!" Giyuu said before abruptly ending the call.

He quickly got ready, then her ran to Sanemis hospital, almost crying. He ran inside, checked in, and ran to Sanemis room. He busted through the door, catching his breath. Sanemi turned his head to Giyuu. He smiled and waved at him. Just the sight of seeing Sanemi after so long made Giyuu run to him and break down. "I'm so sorry!" Giyuu sobbed. "This is all my fault!"

Sanemi smiled. "It's okay... Just never do that again.. Okay?" Sanemi said. "And nothing is your fault."

Giyuu nodded. The day went on as more people came to visit him. Giyuu stayed by Sanemis side the whole time.


Sorry for the short chapter (again). This was inspired by my first part and the movie, 'A Silent Voice' (THAT MOVIE MADE ME CRY). 

524 words

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