Food worries PT. 1

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3rd person POV:

It was a nice and sunny day. Giyuu was walking around the park. He had just moved into Hedgington* and was exploring his new town. Giyuu was walking around a fountain before bumping into someone. "Sorry!" Giyuu apologized, bowing down multiple times.

"Watch where you're going, dimwit." The boy Giyuu bumped into scowled. Giyuu looked up to see a scarred boy with purple eyes and white hair. The boy looked about Giyuus age. The scarred boy then walked away. Giyuu stood up properly.

"Rude." He mumbled before walking away in the opposite direction of the scarred boy. The day went on. Although, Giyuu couldn't stop thinking about the boy he bumped into. 

"I wonder if he lives here in the apartment too..." Giyuu thought as he played with his dinner with a spoon.

"Are you gonna eat that, Yuu?" Giyuus sister, Tsutako asked. "You have to eat. You're starting your new school tomorrow."

"I know. I'm not hungry." Giyuu stated. "Can I go out for another walk?" Giyuu asked. Tsutako sighed and looked at Giyuu.

"You need to finish that first. You haven't been eating properly and I'm starting to worry." Tsutako said, a worried look on her face. Giyuu rolled his eyes.

"I'm not a baby, nee-san. Stop treating me like one." Giyuu said, crossing his arms. Tsutako sighed again.

"I know, but you've been losing weight. Please, eat." Tsutako begged. "I don't want you to lose a lot of weight. It's unhealthy."

"Ugh, whatever." Giyuu said, rolling his eyes again as he picked up the spoon. Tsutako smiled in relief and left, going to her room. Giyuu checked to make sure Tsutako couldn't see him. Then, he threw his food away in the trash can, hiding it with tissues and other random things. Giyuu got his jacket and sneaked out. He walked around the park again, looking at things closer and noticing the beauty. 

"GIYUU." Giyuu heard a voice shout. He recognized that voice. It was Tsutako. Giyuu turned around to see Tsutako glaring at him.

"I told you that you couldn't go out! Now, get back here and eat!" Tsutako yelled. Giyuu groaned and walked back to the building.

ᯓ ᡣ𐭩

It was Giyuus first day of his new high school. "
Hurry up, Yuu! You're gonna be late!" Tsutako said, rushing Giyuu.

"I know, I know!"  Giyuu yelled, grabbing his backpack and phone. "Bye, nee-san!" Giyuu said, waving to her.

"Bye, Yuu!" Tsutako said, waving back to him. And with that, Giyuu walked off to school.

ᯓ ᡣ𐭩

Giyuu walked into his new school anxiously, looking for the principal's office. "Hi!" Giyuu heard a voice chirp behind him. He jumped in surprise, turning around. He turned around to a short girl with bangs, black hair, and teal eyes (Makomo). She was standing next to a boy with light red hair and navy blue eyes (Sabito).

"Uh, hi?" Giyuu said. He was never good at socializing. So let's cut him some slack :). The girl smiled at him.

"Hi! I'm Makomo and this is Sabito!" Makomo said, introducing herself and Sabito. "You must be new. Let me show you the principle's office!"

"Okay." Giyuu said awkwardly.

ᯓ ᡣ𐭩

By now, Sabito, Makomo, and Giyuu were best friends. They were the soon-to-be iconic trio. They were walking past some lockers when Giyuu saw that same scarred boy again. He was hanging out with some other guys. "Who's that?" Giyuu asked, pointing to the scar-face.

"Him? Oh, that's Shinazugawa Sanemi. He picks on kids." Makomo explained. Giyuu nodded in understanding.

"I heard that he's bisexual. Here's your chance, Giyuu!" Sabito joked, pushing Giyuu towards Sanemi.

"Shut up, Sabito!" Giyuu said, chuckling as he nudged Sabito.

ᯓ ᡣ𐭩

IDK what to put after that. I'll make a pt two. srry for the short chapter :)

621 words

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