Familiar (Snow pt 2)

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Giyuus POV:

I woke up in the morning and yawned. My roommate, Sabito, left for his own work already. I worked as a florist at a shop. I got up and got ready. Then, I headed to work.


I was at work. I was setting everything up when I noticed a police officer outside my door. I opened it. "Hello, Officer. Do you need anything?" I asked.

"Just a flower for my mom." He grumbled.

I smiled and led him in. "The store isn't ready yet, but you'll be exceptional." I said, leading him over to the medium sized flowers. "Call me if you need help."

He started looking around as I walked away. A few minutes later, I hear him. "Hey worker!" He shouted.

I walked over to  the flowers. I saw him waiting for me near some flowers. "I'll have this." The Officer said as he pointed to some snapdragons.

I smiled and nodded as I took some out for him. He checked out and left. Something about him was familiar. Like we met a long time ago. I was deep in thought when I realized that I needed to set up the place before I got yelled at. My coworker, Kanae, wasn't here yet. She must be sick or something. I finished setting up at least ten minutes later. I started thinking about that white haired guy again. What was his name? I'm pretty sure it started with an S... "Hi, Yuu!" someone yelled as I heard the door fly open.

I jerked up in surprise. "AGH!" I yelled, only to notice that it was Mitsuri. "You scared me, Mitsuri." I said as I calmed down.

"Sorry. I just wanted to check up on you and catch up with the latest news." Mitsuri said as she giggled a little.

"Alright, what 'news' is there to catch up to?" I asked.

"Have you heard about the new police officer?" Mitsuri asked.

"White hair, purple eyes, and scars?" I asked.

"Yes!" Mitsuri exclaimed.

"He stopped by here to grab some flowers." I said.

"Reeeeally?" Mitsuri asked, smirking at me.

I didn't get the hint at first. Then, I realized what she meant. "Mitsuri, no!" I yelled.

"Aw come on! You don't even have a girlfriend or a boyfriend yet! Plus, you two would look good together!" Mitsuri said.

"We're the exact opposite!" I said.

"Exactly! That's the point!" Mitsuri exclaimed.

I sighed and chuckled. "I appreciate you trying to find me a partner but I can find one on my own!" I said.

"If you can find one on your own then why don't you have one?" Mitsuri asked, smirking.

I groaned and rolled my eyes. "Whatever. I have to work. Bye!" I ushered her out. "Good luck with your bakery! I hope Obanai and Shinobu are getting along!" I yelled. 

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