''Nemi..?'' (Snow pt 3)

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Giyuus POV:

Finally! The break was over! Now I could ask what the officer's name was. I woke up extra early. I really wanted to figure this out. I got ready and headed to the shop. I was sure he would be there. No one was  there yet. I was the first one. I set everything up and then waited. No one. A few hours passed and the other workers came in. Still no sign of the officer. I decided to just get on with my work.


3rd person POV:

It was the end of the day. The officer never came. Giyuu walked home, disappointed. As Giyuu was crossing the street, a car came zooming at him. Giyuu tried to get out of the way, but he was too late. He was immediately rushed to the hospital.


Mitsuri rushed into the hospital. "Where is he!?" Mitsuri asked.

The nurse gave her directions. "Thanks!" Mitsuri yelled before running off.

Mitsuri Ran into Giyuus room. There, she saw Giyuu on the bed, bandaged up. Mitsuri Ran to Giyuus side. "Will he be okay?" Mitsuri asked.

"He will, but he will be in a coma for a few weeks." The doctor explained.

Mitsuri sighed in relief. She stayed by Giyuus side for hours. That was how everyday it went. Some days, there would be other people visiting him. But Mitsuri was always there.


One day, when Mitsuri was visiting Giyuu, Mitsuri saw his eyes flutter. She immediately got a doctor. "He woke up!" The doctor exclaimed.

Mitsuri was overjoyed. She called everyone she knew to come and visit. After that, Giyuu got some rest. A few days later, Giyuu got back to working.


"Guess what, Giyuu!?" Kanae squealed.

"What?" Giyuu asked.

"Ever since you stopped coming to work, that officer has been worried!" Kanae exclaimed.

Giyuu blushed a little. "I even got his name!" Kanae continued.

Giyuu suddenly remembered his theory. "What is it?" Giyuu asked.

"Shinazugawa Sanemi! And he's bisexual too!" Kanae said.

Giyuus POV:

Sanemi sounds similar to Nemi. Sanemi... Nemi... There's a Nemi in Sanemi! We must've been dating in that dream for me to call him a nickname. "Sounds familiar." Giyuu said.

"I thought it sounded familiar too." Kanae said. "Strange."


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