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Sanemis POV:

Giyuu was angry at me. At least I thought so. I didn't know why though. I asked him to come to my estate 'cause I wanted to talk it out with him. I was waiting for him. He arrived and came inside. "What did you need, Nemi?" Giyuu asked.

"I want to talk." I said. "Why are you mad at me?"

Giyuu stayed silent for a few seconds. "Well, you rarely show me affection and love." Giyuu finally answered.

I stood there in shock. I thought this would be more important. "So this is what this has been all about!?" I yelled.

I was letting my anger take control of me. Like always. Giyuu flinched at my tone. "I'm sorry..." he aplogized.

Giyuu shouldn't have apologized. I should've told him that. But I was too angry. So instead, something else came out (cum). "I thought this would be  more important. I've been worried! Just to find out that you're mad at me because I'm not giving you time!? You know I'm having lots of missions!" I snapped.

Giyuu looked down. "I'm sorry, it's just that-"

"You always come up with excuses!" I yelled.

I raised my hand and slapped him in the face. Giyuu just put his hand over his cheek as his eyes widened. My eyes widened too as I realized what I had done. He got up and left my estate. I couldn't do anything. The past is the past. Several million thoughts rushed through my head.

"You're just like your father."

"He'll never forgive you."

"He hates you."

I sat down as my head felt dizzy. I was crazy for slapping Giyuu. After all, he was the one putting up with my anger issues other than Genya. I was just like my father. I always lashed out at people for small reasons. Giyuu never lashed out at me. I never physically hurt Giyuu until now. He probably hated me. I went to sleep after that. That would probably get some things off my mind.


Giyuus POV:

I woke up the next morning. Sanemi probably hated me. He didn't want me at his estate anymore. I got ready and headed to the hashira meeting. I was going to attempt to avoid Sanemi.


I arrived at the hashira meeting. Everyone else was there. Everyone except for Sanemi he probably didn't wanna see me. We all settled down, as Master came in. "Good to see you all, my children." he said as he smiled.

"Good to see you too, Master." we all said in unison.

"I see (somehow) that Sanemi is not here." Master said (IDK HOW TO SPELL HIS NAME) "Do you happen to know what has happened to him?" he asked.

"Sanemi told me that he was sick and couldn't come to the meeting." Iguro said.

"Ah, okay. Thank you, Obanai." Master said.

He continued  on with the meeting.


The meeting was over. Mitsuri came over to me. "Hi Giyuu! Is Shinazugawa okay? He's normally not sick. And he looked fine yesterday." Mitsuri said.

"He's okay. We just got into a little argument and he got a bit sick. But overall, he's fine." I lied.

"Are you sure? I can help you if things are bad between you and Shinazugawa. Plus, if he were sick, you would probably be taking care of him." Mitsuri continued.

Giyuu froze for a moment. If Sanemi was sick, then he would probably actually be taking care of him. "He insisted that he was okay." I lied again.  "And, things are just the right amount of fine between us."

"I can hear your voice shaking. Don't lie to me." Mitsuri said.

I finally gave in and told her everything. At the end, she thought about what to say for a bit. "Well, you could try and talk to him!" Mitsuri finally said.

"Well I don't know.... He might get even more mad at me..." I said.

"Why would he get mad at an apology?" Mitsuri asked. "You're just trying to get yourself out of talking to him!"

"I guess you're right..." I said.

"Great! Now let's go!" Mitsuri exclaimed as she dragged me to Sanemis estate.


We arrived. Mitsuri was hiding in the bushes. I looked over at her and she gave me a thumbs up. I knocked on the door, my hand trembling. I heard footsteps. Then, the door opened. It was Sanemi. "Oh... Hey..." Sanemi said looking away.

"Nemi, I'm sorry...." I said as my voice trembled.

He looked confused for a moment. "For what, exactly?" He asked.

"Yesterday..." I said.

"Oh... Well, I'm sorry for slapping you." Sanemi said.

I smiled softly. "It's fine." I said.

Sanemi pulled me into a hug and let me in. He kissed me on the forehead and we sat on the couch, watching movies.


Sorry for the short chapter 😭

I also updated my head cannons

775 words

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