Adam: Pov

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As I open my eyes I realize I have no idea where the hell I am. My eyes hurt and I reek of cheap booze. I don't remember anything that happened last night. And whose fucking couch I'm on. I scan around the room when I get jumpscared by psycho bitch that's the nickname I gave lute.

"Morning sir" lute suddenly stated.

"Jesus fuck lute you scared the piss outta me" I replied.

"My apologies sir".

Lute was standing up straight with her mask on and her hands behind her back.

"What the hell happened and where am I?" I asked.

"You're at my place sir, you got super drunk and you crashed here".

"Oh uh thanks I guess".

"Not an issue sir".

Lute seemed off even with her masked on I could tell something was bothering her.

"Is something wrong tits?" I asked.

"No sir" she replied.

"Look if it's about me getting drunk I'm sor-".

"It's fine we need to get going" she said cutting me off obviously wanted to move on from this conversation.

I didn't have any change of clothes here so it looks like I'm going to training in a booze scented robe. Lute and I left her apartment and were walking side by side down the promenade heading towards the training center. Lute was extra quiet and kept her mask on which she doesn't usually do. It was eating me up I felt really bad about making her deal with my shit.

"Lute about last night" I said

"I told you it's no big deal let's just move on". She replied annoyed.

I pull her aside to get a one on one talk.

"Look you're obviously upset and I know I'm an uncontrollable piece of shit but I really am sorry".

Lute shook her head and continued forward. I grabbed her hand to stop her and she jolted away. She seemed to be really uncomfortable around me right now.

"After training let's go to our usual spot to get something to eat and we will talk about it then ok" I said

Lute again shook her head and continued forward. When we got to the training center lute didn't hesitate to get started. She had her own little group of elite exorcist that she led. She started yelling and pushing those pour girls like I've never seen before. I've must've really messed up last night.

Lute and I didn't see each other much during the day as we both trained our separate groups. But I was dying for the day to end as I didn't want to ruin mine and lutes relationship over something stupid drunk Adam said.

After a few hours that felt like months the day was finally over. I went over to find lute by the sword rack. She was finishing putting the swords away.

"You ready" I said with an awkward smile.

She shook her head and started for the exit

Looks like the bitch is still giving me the silent treatment.

The restaurant wasn't far from the training center. Just a few blocks down the street. As we arrived we sat down at our usual seats. We come here a lot. As we both order our drinks lute finally takes her helmet off for the first time today. I almost forgot what she looked like under that thing. I didn't  know how to start the conversation so I just went for it.

"Can you please tell me what's wrong?" I asked

"Nothing is wrong I'm just tired" she answered

"Lute I know when your lying"

She didn't respond the bitch wouldn't even give me eye contact.

She finally sighed and said "look it was a rough night for me and you I didn't get a lot of sleep and I just want to move on".

"Jeez I thought you liked it rough"

Lute couldn't help but smile. Her smile was so pretty and it made me feel so happy that she finally went back to normal. Being around this bitch makes me crazy. I feel lonely when she's not with me. But when she is I'm the happiest I've  ever been. But I would obviously never tell her that

Adam X Lute: Undying LoveWhere stories live. Discover now