Lute: Pov

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Adam never fails to make me laugh. Even the way I treated him today he was still trying to help. I know it wasn't his fault but what he said last night won't leave my brain. I mean he straight up admitted that he loved me. How can I just brush that under the rug. It was clearly the booze talking but apart of me wants to know if that's how he really feels. Because I sort of feel the same way about him. This whole scenario is complicated.

"I'm glad you're back to normal tits" Adam said in the middle of me thinking.

"Yeah, yeah I'm feeling a lot better now" I replied

Finally our food came and Adam wasted no time. He devoured all of it like it was his last meal. I wasn't too hungry so I was just nibbling on some fries. When we finished Adam paid and we left. The sun was setting while me and Adam were walking down the promenade. We were both silent but it was a nice comforting silence. We were just enjoying each other's presence.

But no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get what Adam said off my brain. It was eating me on the inside. But I didn't want to tell Adam and ruin what we have. I didn't realize how long we were walking until I noticed that we were right in front of my apartment.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow tits" Adam said

"Yes goodnight sir" I replied

Before I got the chance to walk in I saw Adam checking his pockets seemingly looking for something.

"Is something wrong sir" I say turning back around.

"I can't find my phone, I think I may have left it on the couch may I come in a grab it? He asked

"Um sure just be quick"

"I will"

We both head up the stairs and to my room I open the door and Adam slides past me and heads for the couch. I go and take a seat on my bed waiting for him to find it so I could get changed. I zone out for a bit still thinking about last night. I think Adam is trying to talk to me but I couldn't pay attention. That's when I felt my bed shake a little and realized Adam is sitting next to me.

"You know your way to good to me" he said out of the blue.

"What kind of lieutenant would I be if I didn't watch over you" I said with a smile.

Adam gave a cute little laugh and set his hand down just inches away from mine. I could feel my face turning red. I look over to Adam and I see that he's also in his own world probably thinking as well. He looked uneasy probably trying to remember what he said last night. I don't know why but I felt the need to comfort him. I slid over and but my head on his shoulder. He seemed to like it has he put his head on to mine.

We stayed like this for a good while I could tell we were both very new to this. After a good while Adam moved his head and put his hand to my face. My face was burning red what was he doing? He took his mask off for the first time in gods know how long. When he took it off I was mesmerized as I had forgotten what he had looked like. But one thing I could tell is that his face was also as red as mine.

His face inched closer to mine every second feeling like a lifetime. He was still holding my face and was getting closer. His lips were just moments away from touching mine. I could feel the warm breath from his mouth as he puckered up his lips and

"I'm sorry I can't" I say while pushing him away.

Truthfully I wanted it as much as he did but I knew it wasn't going to end well for either of us.

"I'm so sorry Adam I didn't me-"

"No no it's my fault I got caught up in the moment" he said cutting me off.

"I shouldn't have put you in that position" he added

He got up and put his mask back on

"Adam it's not like that it's not your fau-"

"I found my phone and I'll just see you tomorrow" Adam said cutting me off again.

"Wait Adam" I try calling for him.

But Adam quickly left my room leaving no chance for me to talk. I groaned as I laid down. I didn't want to hurt him now tomorrow is gonna suck.

Adam X Lute: Undying LoveWhere stories live. Discover now