Lute: Pov

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Well that went better than I thought. I assumed he was still mad at me after everything that happened last night. I will admit I'm a little sad we aren't going to our spot tonight. But he's taking me to the garden tomorrow. I can feel my face burning red just by the thought of it. No lute you can't be with him. But I want to so badly. His  presence is so warm and comforting. But how would the rest of heaven view it. That's something I don't wanna take a chance on.

It felt weird walking home by myself Adam usually walks with me. I start blushing again.

"God lute you gotta stop" I say out loud.

As I finish walking and head up to my room there's something standing in front of my door.

"Hey there baby" some annoying voice said

Fuck it's my landlord.

"It's the first of the month you know what that's means gorgeous" he says trying to flirt.

"I got your money right here" I say while trying to hand him it.

He takes it then gives me the stupidest look ever.

"You know there are other ways to pay me" he says with a devilish smile.

"Not just in a fucking million years" I reply storming past him and slamming my door.

I swapped out my uniform for more comfortable clothes and sit on my couch to watch tv. I wasn't really paying attention to what was on. As all I could think about is how excited I am for the gardens tomorrow. I was thinking how special of it place it was but why would Adam want to bring me. Then I clicked he was confess his love to me. Oh no no no no that's not good. There's no other reason he would ask me to the gardens.

I had to stop it I didn't want to break his heart. But I feel the same about him to so maybe.. NO I can't. I put my uniform back and flew out of my apartment. I had to go to Adam's house I had to tell him no.

It took me a while to get there it was about 7:30 and the sun was settling but I had to confront Adam. When I arrived I was amazed on how big his house was. That can wait for later I went up his steps and started pounding on his door. But nothing happened is he not home? I knock again and still no response. I sigh and I go to turn and leave when I hear the most beautiful thing ever.

It was a guitar but where was it coming from. I walked around the side of the house when I saw Adam sitting on his roof. His mask was off and he was playing his guitar. I always knew that he was great at playing the guitar. But he never played something like this. He usually played hard rock and roll but this was different. He was calmly and slowly strumming each cord with the most delicate hand movements.

Then he started singing. It was slow but mesmerizing. He wasn't screaming like he does when he sings his rock songs. His voice was so pretty it was like a drug. I could've stayed in that bush all night. Everything about him in this moment was so perfect. I was falling under his spell I had to get out of this bush.

I finally managed to escape that bush and sneak my way off his property. While I was walking home my head was buzzing with so many different emotions. Questioning what to do. I do... love him. But I want to protect him, to protect us. Who knows what Emily, sera, hell even Micheal would say if they saw us.
I don't know what to do. Do I go with my heart or with my head?

Adam X Lute: Undying LoveWhere stories live. Discover now