Adam: Pov

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My life was flashing before my eyes. Reliving every moment from being born, to finding my wife making out with Lucifer. From eve being created from my own rib to the first murder which was my own son killing another. It all flooded back until I woke up?

Right outside the heavenly gates? still wearing my black robe the day of the failed extermination. I'm alive? Fuck yes I'm alive!

I flew over to the gates where St. Peter was standing in front of.

"Adam is that you!" He asked excitedly

"Fuck yea it is, let me in already" I begged

"Sure thing buddy!" He opened the gates and i walked in no problem.

Man I'm so stoked I really dodged a bullet with not dying I guess? But there was one person I needed to see. I flew as fast as a could to my house where I know lute would be. I barged through the front door and ran to the bedroom. where she was in all her beautiful glory

"Lute?" I asked

"Adam! Is that you!" She jumped up and flew to me.

"Oh I fucking missed you so much" she squeezed the life outta me and returned squeezing her back aswell.

"I fucking missed you to dangertits" I grabbed her chin and kissed the life outta her. We stayed like that for a good little while. Until she looked up at me and said

"If only this were real"

"What!?" I asked her

Everything around me began to crumble the walls of my house the surrounding buildings even the sky. I look down into my arms and lute disappeared I was no longer holding her.

It was all a hallucination. It wasn't real.


That's when I opened my eyes gasping for air. I look at the blood red sky. Fuck was this fake aswell? I slowly get up my whole body hurt. Especially my chest that's where I had been stabbed. I went to check the wound. I look down and a realize that my usual white, yellow and gold robes. Turned into a solid red and black.

I started to panic I need fresh air I went to take the mask off my head. I pulled and pulled but it wouldn't come off. That's when I realized my mask had become my face. I glanced over and saw a puddle. I ran over and glanced into it my reflection it stared back at me

 I ran over and glanced into it my reflection it stared back at me

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(This is what he saw)
(Credit to DonalaKTurtke on X/twitter)

"WHAT THE FUCK" I yelled

This can't be happening this has to be a dream. Yeah, yeah that's right a dream. Heaven wouldn't leave me down here they would never. I'm the first man the original dick. I can't make mistakes angels can't make mistakes.

I curled up into a ball. I was hyperventilating. Got this can't be real. I kept telling myself that. Once they realized I'm gone they'll get me. God I want lute, no I need her. Her comforting touch her soothing voice telling me everything was gonna be ok. But lute wasn't here she was back in heaven.

I needed a plan, I needed somewhere to go I couldn't stay here out in the open like this no fucking way. I began to walk just in a direction I knew there was one place where I could go but I don't know if they would want to see me. Fuck it I have to try

It's not like a would be there long lute we come and get me. She wouldn't forget me right? She wouldn't leave she promised.

She................ Promised.

Adam X Lute: Undying LoveWhere stories live. Discover now