Lute: Pov

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I hear a loud bang as I awoke. Fuck I guess I must've fallen asleep on the floor. What time was it. I reached down and grabbed my phone to check the time. When I turned on my phone it was filled by different notifications I couldn't tell what but it was about Adam. Oh no did something happened to him? I started to panic I opened the first notification I saw and read and read and read. Over and over I read it over again. I couldn't believe it. He has a girlfriend. That might explain a few things.

I don't know what to think or say. I knew it I just knew it "I should've just fucking-" before I finish I punch the wall pretty hard not enough to break it but enough to get my frustration out. Now who is this bitch that Adam's with. I might as well meet her I am his lieutenant after all she's gonna have to meet me sooner or later.

I flew towards Adam's house pissed off. He could've just told me I would've understood right? No shut up lute let's just meet his flavor of the month.

I approach Adam's house and land right in front of his front door. I take a minute before knocking no answer. I knock again, still no answer "fucking  Hell Adam answer the door!" I yell still nothing

I think for a moment or two before I take my next action. Fuck it, I lift my leg up and kick the door open. I'm greeted to Adam's hallway which has been destroyed. Photos on the walls all over the floor and clutter everywhere.

I slowly walk down the hallway there is loud rock music blasting from one of the rooms. It's almost deafening. I can hear loud banging and destruction coming from the same room.

I slowly grab the door and push it open and my face turns to horror. His room is somehow worse than the hallway. Before I get any thoughts on what's going on I guitar fly passes my face and right into the tv on the wall.

"FUCKKKKKK" I hear Adam yell

I see him walk out of his closet with another guitar in his hands. He looks for something to break that guitar on.

"Sir? Are you ok?" I ask I go to reach out to him

"Piss off lute" he turns "what should I break this shit on?" He looks around frantically

"Sir settle down let me help" I reach over and grab his shoulder.

"Don't fucking touch me!" He yells tears swelling up in his eyes

"Sir that's your favorite guitar you don't want to break that". I say trying to calm him down

"I said fuck off" he said with a stone cold look.

He turned to smash the guitar on the ground. He lifted it up and I rushed and grabbed him hugging him from behind. He paused not knowing how to react. I turn him around and cupped his face with my hands.

"It's ok Adam I'm hear" I spoke softly to ease him. He melted into my hands

"I'm hear for you sir, if you need anything just tell me"

"I need you" he said leaning and resting his head on my chest and started bawling his eyes out.

I blushed as I moved us onto his bed to hold him better. He continued to cry against my chest as he was laying on top of me. I put my hand behind his head and pulled him close.

"I'll stay here as long as you need me sir" I said

He slowly nodded as he let it all out. I started playing with his hair and he seemed to like it. Soon he stopped crying and he fell asleep on top of me. It didn't seem like I was going home tonight. So I cuddled up next to him and slowly but surely my eyes closed. I never thought I would be in this position.

I woke up at some point during the night. Adam was no longer on top of me. He was next to me still asleep one arm over my waist and his face nuzzling against my shoulder. My face was as red as a tomato. I can't believe this is fucking happening. I eased up and slowly went back to sleep.

I slowly wake up again and it's the morning I let out a big stretch when I hear Adam groan next to me. He slowly wakes up. I turn to look at him his face is almost as red as mine. He let out a little laugh and starts playing with my hair.

"Sir we should probably-"

"Just a little longer dangertits" he said cutting me off

I roll my eyes playfully before I say anything he pulls me in close. My head ends up on his chest. I can hear his heart beat slowly grow faster and faster.

"Thank you for helping me lute" he says

"Not in issue sir" I look up at him both of us connecting with eye contact

We both just gaze at each other for what feels like an eternity.

"What's her name?" I ask breaking the silence

"Who?" He reply's

"Your girlfriend"

"Oh yea about that" he paused for a moment "I don't have one" he said with a broken smile.

"Then what was that whole thing about?"

"Yea so some bitch tried to hit on me I tried to tell her no she continued to push and I mayyyyy have said I had a girlfriend to get her away from me and shit got crazy from there"

"I know you sir, you never pass up on getting wet with anyone in heaven"

"Well I was thinking about someone"


"You bitch" he said with a smile

If my face wasn't already red it was now. I climbed up on top of him straddling on his waist. We looked at each other I was admiring him.

"Lute what-"

"Shhhhhhhh" I put a finger over his mouth "let me admire you"

He slowly sat up to where we were eye level from each other. I slowly moved closer

"Your perfect lute" he muttered

We slowly closed the gap between us and I moved forward and connected lips with him.
It was slow and passionate just like I always wanted. We slowly pulled away

"Your better than I thought Dangertits" he said with a big grin on his face

"Your just as good as I thought" I said biting my lip

"Oh Come here" he pulled me in close again I accepted it nuzzling against his chest. This was the best day of my life.

Adam X Lute: Undying LoveWhere stories live. Discover now