Charlie: Pov

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Adam has been at the hotel for around a week and a half so far. He mostly kept to himself and stayed locked in his room for hours at a time. It was unusual to see him like this. It's like a shell of his former self. Not to say that isn't a bad thing because Adam from a month ago was unbearable.

I basically have to drag him to group activities and even when he's here he doesn't say much. I'm really the only person he talks to. Everyone else still hates his guts which is understandable. But the worst part about this is I need to tell my father. He is not gonna like that he's here. But that's a problem for later

I was starting the group activity today and Adam didn't join us as he said he wasn't feeling well and I didn't want to push him more than he needs.

"Ok so today we are gonna go around the room and complement the person next to you" I said with a nice clap "I'll start, Vaggie you are so strong and I love you" I said will giving her a hug

"Thanks hun, uh I guess it's my turn Cherri I liked the way you told off Adam that was fucking awesome." Vaggie said with a smile and got some cheers, in my head I was still upset with them talking about Adam like this I mean he wasn't sooooooo bad. After a week of just listening to him you get used to it.

"I know I'm so badass" Cherri said with a grin "ok angel you bitch-" before she was able to finish she was cut off

"Charlie can I talk to you" Adam said with his head peaking around the corner

"Hey you cunt we are in the middle of something you mind?" Cherri scolded him

"I'll be right back just keep going" 


"What is it Adam?" I asked

"Well......There was something I had and I don't have it anymore"

"Can you be more specific?"

"Well ok there was this um picture I had and I kept it on me because you know it was important and i usually put it on my dresser when I go to sleep and when I fuckin woke up today it was gone and I can't find it anywhere"

"First off you only said one cuss word good job!" I cheered "secondly I'll help you find it, are you sure it's not in your room?" 

"No I checked top to bottom I think someone took it"

"I'm sure no one did but I'll ask ok?" I put my hand on his shoulder " I'm so glad you can trust me Adam"

"The last person that said that left me here to die alone so let's see how good you are at keeping your word." He then shuffled away back into his room


I'm currently in the kitchen just staring at my phone. I need to let my dad know that Adam is here but how will I tell him. "Hey dad the person you hated for thousands of years that almost killed your daughter is now staying at the very hotel he destroyed". Yeah that's not gonna work.

"How's it going" vaggie said coming up from behind

"I have nooooo idea what to say" I whined

"You know I could talk to him for you"

"You would tell him Adam is burning the hotel to the ground"

"I mean your not wro-" before vaggie could finish we both heard yelling coming from the living room.


"Um I don't think I will you stupid asshole" angel said back

"I'll kill you porn fuck" Adam said

"Wait guys what's going on" I put myself in between them and vaggie is holding a spear up to Adam

"He's the one that took it Charlie that fucker stole my photo"

"ANGEL! is this true?" I ask

"Yea maybe so what, this asshole deserves it" angel snicked back. In the corner of my eye I could see husk and Cherri laughing obviously they were apart of this to

"I'm fucking over this" Adam pushed me and vaggie out of the way with damn near super human strength

"Adam don't"I begged.

He picked angel of by the neck and slammed him against the ground "give it now" his voices turned more demonic after that

"Fuck here it was a joke calm down" angel said handing the picture back. Adam let go of his neck
"It's just a stupid picture anyways"

"This picture means more then your pathetic life" he yelled

I could here husk and Cherri unable to keep there laughter down.

"I don't know why you fuckers are fucking laughing". Adam said " I hope you know that you guys are a worthless piece of carbonated shit" he took a deep breath

"You fuck faces will never reach heaven so I hope you had a good laugh because I'll be the one laughing when I wake up in the morning and not have to be someone's bitch on a leash because I actually grew a pair of balls while being down here". He said going on a long rant

It go real silent after that

He was about to continue "please Adam that's
enough". I said

He took a deep breath "I hope they don't cancel the extermination so they can finally fucking rid me of this place." She said while stroming off into his room

"I think you should call your dad now" vaggie said

"Good idea"

*but little did they know that the clock tower at the Heaven Embassy began to tick once again......

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