Adam: Pov

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I think I'm starting to get over her. I only thought about her 6/7 days this week so I'm making progress I guess. I saw her earlier today I couldn't stomach talking to her. Not after what she had done to me. But I had to get to training as the annual extermination was coming up pretty soon. It was nice to focus on something else that wasn't her for once. I think I'm slowly moving on.

I was a few minutes late after the fiasco from earlier. I open the doors to the training room as hundreds of eyes look over to me. I slowly fly over to the podium and give the daily announcements.

"First on the agenda, we are getting new angelic spears this week" A few cheers came from that announcement.

"Secondly, I will not be naming a new lieutenant until after the extermination at the very least". A lot of unhappy groans a boos came from that one.

The girls were unhappy and shocked by the news of lute quitting. She was the one that usually trained them. I was more of the planner. A good chunk of the girls blame me for her leaving. Those dumb bitches don't realize I have ears as well. It's whatever like I give a rats ass what they think. I don't know when I will announce I new lieutenant as after lute I don't think I can trust anyone else again.

First Lilith left for that no good short fucking piece of clown ass fuck face. Then my poor eve. Good fuck why did you eat that fucking apple eve. It still pains me to this day. That fucking fruit is the reason she's not up here with me. The reason I fell in love with lute in the first place. God I fucking hate my life.

I head to my office to do fucking paperwork or whatever. Something to get my mind off everything and I fucking hate paperwork. Lute usually does it-here I go again thinking about her. I punch the wall as hard as I can creating a big ass hole in it. Who cares not my problem I'll just blame it on one of the bitches outside.

A few minutes go by and I hear I knock at my door.

"Come in" I groan as I say.

A few of my top exorcist the few who I actually knew the names of and the group that I would eventually pick my new lieutenant from. Walked in line up side by side.

"Um what's wrong" I say raising an eyebrow.

They all look at each other not knowing who would be the one to speak up.

"We want to to know what's wrong with you sir" one of them spoke up.

"Yea and what happened to lute" another spoke.

"It's none of your damn business that's whats up" I reply in a snarky tone.

"Sir my apologies but your extra bitchy today" another one says

"Well I'm sorry if my attitude isn't up to your standards" I say sarcastically.

"Sir just please tell us"

"Why so you bitches can spread the word hell no"

"Sir we are your closest exorcist what you say stays between us"

"Just get out before I get a bigger migraine than I already have".

But none of them moved they all looked at each other and back at me.

"We aren't leaving sir"

"It's a direct order leave right fucking now"

Still they just stood there and stared at me.

"Again sir we aren't leaving until we know what happened between you and Lu-"

"SHE DIDN'T LOVE ME BACK OKAY" I yell as I cut them off.

The room went silent all the exorcist looked puzzled.

"I loved her, I told her my feelings, she said no we got in a big fight and she quit". I broke the silence while tearing up.

"And now I don't know what to do I have to replace her but no one could ever do that".

"I loved, no I love her and it just hurts that I'll never be able to have her" I put my head on my desk as tears slowly fall down my face. The exorcist don't say a word as they all move to huddle around me.

"W-What are you bitches doing?" I asked

One by one all the girls wrapped their arms around me in a giant group hug.

"We're sorry sir" they all say one by one.

I sat there taking it all in

"Thank you girls I needed this so badly" I say as a hug them all back.

Adam X Lute: Undying LoveWhere stories live. Discover now