Charlie: Pov

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I got up super duper early in the morning. I had to make everything perfect. I know it will be hard for people to trust Adam, I even don't trust him. But it wouldn't be fair for me to just throw him out into the streets. That goes against everything I stand for.

-few hours later-

Everyone is finally gathering for the group activity everyone but Adam. That's not good

"That's it I'm gonna kill him" Vaggie said

"Wait please don't hurt him" I pleaded

"I wouldn't mind if he got killed again" angel said, "yea I'm with angel on this one" Husk added

"He's not a real BAD BOY" niffty growled

"That's enough!" I yelled "I don't appreciate you guys bad mouthing him like this" I yelled

"You seem to have forgotten that he attacked your hotel less than 2 months ago my dear" Alastor said sitting stiffly in his chair. "Just imagine what Lucifer would say"

"It's my job as princess of hell to help all of my people and that includes Adam" I said storming my way out of the room to go find Adam.


I slowly made my way to the third floor and down the hall where Adam's room was. I heard weeping noises coming from the other side of the door. I knock on the door, no answer I hold my breath as I slowly open the door. I really hope he's not doing anything inappropriate

When I open the door I see Adam curled up on the floor facing out the window I could hear him sniffing. I reached over and grabbed his shoulder

"Adam are you ok?" I asked

He jolted up from where he was laying "holy fuck, did you think to knock, I could've been jacking off or something".

"I did" I said unamused

"Oh I didn't fucking hear it, what do you want bitch?

"You didn't show up for the group activity today"

"Oh shit I forgot about that, oh well" he said climbing into his bed

"It's not a choice Adam if you want to stay here you need to participate"

"Buttttttttttt whyyyyyyyyyyyy" he groaned

"Because it's my job now move your butt or I'll get vaggie to come get you"

"Whatever" he sat up and started to follow me


We reached the living room and he sat down on a lonesome couch while I sat back with vaggie grabbing her hand.

"Ok today, we are going to learn more about each other!" I said excitedly

There was a collective groan

"So today we will go around and share the main reason you would like to be redeemed!"

"Angel would you like to start"

"I guess, um I have a sister named Molly......" he paused for a moment " I'm not 100 percent sure if she's up there but god I would do anything to see her again"

I teared up , that broke my heart

"Awesome job angel!" "Husk your turn"

"I don't really care for much people but heading up there with this idiot wouldn't be horrible". He said pointing at angel

"Soooooooo cute!" I clapped "Your turn Adam!"

"Bold of you to assume he cares for anyone but himself" vaggie mumbled

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