Adam: Pov

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  (Night before extermination day)
(1 week before the meeting with Charlie)

I jolted awake during the middle of the night. The night before extermination days always get to me. Like don't get me wrong I love slaughtering those little bastards. They fucking deserve it. Anyway, this just always a fear of what if they rise up this time. I know it seems stupid, but I still gets to me.

As I Lounge on my bed looking at the dark ceiling my worries are subdued when I feel lutes face nuzzle against my neck still sound asleep. Her whole body was wrapped around me. Gotta say for a cold-hearted bitch she's pretty good a cuddling.

I gently move her off me and I head out to my porch. I desperately need some fucking fresh air. I sit there staring at the bright stars that light up heavenly night sky. Things have been good; things haven't been this good in a long time. Lute has stayed the night at my place for the past week. Things were nice between us sleeping next to her was fucking amazing. Though I don't think we are technically dating idk though.

We haven't kissed or talked about it since it happened. But fuck I want too again. I'm not good with the whole feeling's thing. But I mean we cuddle ALOT. And shit I love that too. But the way she kissed me man fuck it was awesome.

After like an hour on the porch I walked back to our- Fuck I mean my bedroom.

She was still sleeping curled up. I rarely saw her out of uniform, so it was nice to finally get a good look at her. I settled back in bed and wrapped my arms around her pulling her close to me. She reacted by turning and facing me.

"Sir can I do something?" She asked half awake.

"Yea babe what?" I responded.

She got up and crawled under my robe peeking her head out of the top.

(Something like this) (photo credit: AMYKEM1 on X/twitter)

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(Something like this)
(photo credit: AMYKEM1 on X/twitter)

"What are you-"

"It's cold sir and your very warm" she said cutting me off.

this was new but im not complaining

"This is surprisingly nice" I said

She didn't respond as she was out like a light. I smiled holding her as I drifted off

Me and lute walking down the promenade side by side like we do usually. But this time it felt different not because today was extermination day. But for the love of god I wanted to hold her hand so badly.

I didn't want to force anything so I slowly touched my pinky with hers. She responded by twisting her pinky around mine. You know what fuck it

"Can I hold your hand!" I blurted out all of a sudden. luckily I had my mask on as I was very embarrassed.

She didn't say anything but she responded by grabbing my hand and pulling me forward.

We walked hands together to heavens gate to rally up the troops. She let go once we were in front of everyone and I went up in front of the girls to give a badass speech.

"Whoever gets the most kills gets to go to pound town with the dickmaster" I say pointing at my dick

Cheers roared out I knew all these bitches had it down bad for me. I glance at lute and she looked visibly upset.

"What's wrong babe" I say with a grin.

"I thought we were-why did you offer that Adam"
She whined

I moved closer to her ear "to encourage you baby" 

Even with a mask I could sense her face getting red. I laughed as the portal to hell opened and I flew down with the rest of them.

Man this place really is a damn shit show. I feel like I say that every year I probably do. Now I don't really do any of the killing im kinda the eyes in the sky if you say. I monitor everything and make sure the girls are doing their job. Last time that happened-never mind I don't want to think about that.

I few hours go by and I'm kinda just bored. I'm just flying here doing nothing but there's only a few hours left so hopefully we will be done soon.

I decided that I'm gonna fly around for a bit. Maybe catch some brutal kills on the way. As I fly through the streets I see motherfucking lute kill four demons with one slash of her sword. I flew down to her.

"Seems like someone wants the dickmaster tonight". I say with a grin

"Sir not now I'm trying to do my job" she stutters as she speaks.

I give her a wink as I fly away I have no doubt that she's gonna win. She not my main bitch for no reason.

Fucking finally it's about time to wrap things up. The girls start flying towards the portal and I head there as well. We all meet up back at the entrance gates so I can once again give a badass speech.

"Great exterminating bitches!" "That was probably our best year yet" I exclaimed.

Loud cheers came from that I raise my hand to quite everyone down.

"Now who had over 200 kills" a good amount of hands rose from that

"Ok 250" only a few kept there hands up

"Hmmmm 270" at this point I was pulling numbers outta my ass. No one had there hand up but I glance over to my side and would you look at that lute had her hand raised. She tried looking away obviously embarrassed by the attention.

"Your all dismissed see you on a few months for training". Everyone started clustering up and started heading out.

"You stay" I pointed at lute I walked over and grabbed her hands.

"Your in for a special night" I say with a grin

"Oh really?" She says with a grin of her own

"I have to treat my girlfriend well tonight"

"Yea wait!" She paused "girlfriend!"

"Yea if that's okay with yo-"

She kissed me cutting me off mid sentence.

"So is that a yes? I ask

"Oh shut up of course it is" she says as we slowly lean in again passionately kissing.

(This is the happiest Adam has ever been but how long will it last? Little would they both know that in six short months everything would change, stay tuned 😈)

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