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A is for Annabeth

The part of Annabeth will be played by Alli Rae. If you want to look her up, I'd recommend going incognito.

Today was the day. Finally, after months apart from each other, Percy was going to be reunited with his girlfriend. He had spent the last several months at Camp Jupiter for his first year of college; she had been in New York in a much more prestigious Ivy League college.

They had hardly seen each other since September. Sure, they had spent Christmas together, but a lot of that time had been with Percy's mom and the young couple really didn't have any private alone time.

That was why Percy was picking her up by her college campus and bringing her straight down to Montauk to spend a romantic weekend together. Just the thought of Annabeth in a bikini made Percy's heart beat a little faster and his pace quickened as he headed towards the portal from Camp Jupiter to Half-Blood.

He was once again grateful to the Vulcan and Hephaestus cabins for linking the camps together so he could avoid a painful airplane ride or swimming all around the North American coast.

Moments later Percy was arriving in Camp Half-Blood, ignoring some of the younger campers' greetings and mentally whistling for Blackjack. His trusty steed soon appeared on the horizon and rapidly descended to land in front of him. "Hey Blackjack," he greeted. His face broke into a smile at the sight of his friend.

His Pegasus friend (and technically nephew) snorted excitedly. 'Yo boss!' he nickered, 'Long time no see! Got any sugar cubes for me?'

Percy laughed at the predictability of it all. "Of course I do," he said, slinging his backpack over his shoulder and pulling out a bag full of the candies. He tossed a handful to Blackjack, who managed to catch them all in the air. "And I've got three more bags where that came from, if you take me where I need to be at your fastest speed."

'You got it boss!'

Percy jumped onto Blackjack's back, directing him to Annabeth's college. They made it there in record time, with Percy leaving Blackjack in a park only a few minutes away with one of the bags of sugar cubes to tide him over (no need to pressure the Mist, which was only slowly beginning to rebuild).

When Percy found her, she was standing with some friends by a statue of someone who was surely an important part of the college's history. Her stormy grey eyes lit up when she saw his from across the courtyard and she quickly excused herself from her friends. She jogged across the courtyard and he soon joined her in jogging. Once she was within range she practically threw herself at him.

It took all of his strength not to fall down as he caught her, his arms instinctively wrapping around her back as her legs did the same to him. Her arms met behind his neck as she kissed him rather hard. It was flattering and soothing to know she had missed him as much as he had missed her.

"Gods Percy, I've missed you so much," she said when they finally pulled away after several seconds of making out.

"I've missed you too, babe," he said, breathing in deeply and relishing the scent of fresh strawberries.

He dropped her back onto her feet, idly noting that he was now a few inches taller than her. Her blonde hair was arranged into princess-like curls, framing her round face from which her stormy grey eyes stuck out. She was wearing running shoes with short shorts that covered very little, allowing him to admire her long legs. They were accompanied by a light grey tank top that showed a generous amount of her cleavage.

They walked hand in hand to the park where he had left Blackjack, talking about nothing in particular and just enjoying one another's company. Soon they were on Blackjack, and not much later they were landing in Montauk.

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