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They had done it. Percy couldn't believe it, but they had pulled it off. Together with a pair of novice demigods who had no experience in a quest this dangerous, he had defeated Alcyoneus and freed Thanatos.

Now all they had to do was return to Camp Jupiter in a matter of hours and defeat Polybotes. Piece of cake.

The unlikely trio were just beginning to mount Arion for the return voyage when Thanatos appeared in a black haze. Behind him, a black portal swirled.

"Hello again, heroes," Death himself said. He looked inconvenienced, as if rounding up the escaped dead was far more entertaining than this band of sorry mortals.

Hazel took a step back, her face ashen. Frank and Percy both stepped in front of her. With Frank having come into his own, Percy hoped they made for a somewhat intimidating picture.

The god of death gave an exasperated groan. "Oh please, I'm not here to return you to Pluto." Neither male moved an inch, though Hazel seemed to exhale in relief.

"Then why are you here?" the petite demigoddess asked.

"It was, ahem, brought to my attention that sparing the daughter of Pluto was not a great enough reward to you for doing me such a service." The god of Death pulled at his collar in a way that implied this was brought to his attention in a non-peaceful way. "So, I will allow you to bring one other person back from my realm, free of charge."

The three heroes looked between themselves. "Its up to you boys," Hazel decided. "Being allowed to stay in the land of the living is enough of a reward."

Frank looked at Percy, who had done so much for them in this quest. Without him, they wouldn't have stood a chance. "Having Hazel back is enough for me," he said. "Besides, Percy, you deserve it."

Which was great, except that Percy couldn't remember anything from his past, let alone who had died that he would miss. The only name that he could even remember was Annabeth.

Inexplicably, his mind wandered back to that strange, familiar boy from camp. Hazel's half-brother, Nico. And without any warning, Percy's memories started coming back. Not all of them, but he remembered going to that private school with Annabeth and Thalia, and meeting Nico and Bianca. He remembered the quest that followed, and Bianca sacrificing herself...

"Bianca," he said instinctively. "Bianca di Angelo."

If Thanatos was surprised, he didn't show it. If anything, he looked even more bored than he had before. "Very well." He waved his hand and a figure stepped out of the portal to the underworld. It closed behind her and Thanatos disappeared without another word.

The girl looked around her in utter shock. "What the- where even- Percy?" she asked as she noticed the three demigods in front of her.

"Bianca," he replied as she stepped forward and swept him into a hug. He held her close, savoring the moment.

"Percy, how- how is any of this possible?"

Percy ignored the question for the time being. "Hazel, you and Frank need to ride Arion back to Camp now. We'll meet you there, Bianca should be able to shadow travel."

"But what about you?" Frank asked even as Hazel was pulling him towards the horse.

"Bianca and I have a lot to catch up on," Percy said. "We'll meet you there."

Hazel had a knowing look in her eyes as she led a bewildered Frank away. As soon as Arion took off, Percy turned to Bianca.

"Can you shadow-travel us somewhere warmer so we can talk?"

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