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The part of Hera will be played by Jennifer Love Hewitt.

The part of Amphitrite will be played by Eva Mendes.

The part of Persephone will be played by Rosario Dawson.

Percy had found a note that morning, instructing him to come to Hera's palace. He wasn't sure what he had done this time, but ever since the gods had actually helped for once during the Giant War, he had been trying to behave a little more.

Percy knocked on the pristine white doors of the opulent palace. The door swung open a moment later, revealing a brutish man with one hundred eyes. "Hey Argus," he said to Camp Half Blood's security guard, and apparently Hera's bodyguard. "I, uh, got a letter from Hera asking me to come here."

Argus grunted and moved aside. "My lady is upstairs," he motioned to a steep, curving set of stairs.

Percy sighed and walked up the stairs. He wondered why a goddess who lived on her own had such a huge house. There was a hallway at the top of the stairs with a series of doors, but only one of the doors was open. Figuring that was the right one, Percy walked to it and knocked on the half open door.

"Come in," came a voice from within.

Percy did so and was shocked by what he saw. There on a bed were sitting three gorgeous goddesses, all wearing lingerie!

Hera was wearing a pink bra that barely constrained her bosom and matching pink panties. Amphitrite was wearing skimpy blue lingerie that barely covered her rear. Finally, Persephone was clothed in a silky black bra and thong that left nothing to the imagination.

"Uhhhh... Is this a bad time?" He looked in confusion at his two aunts and stepmom all posing seductively.

"Not at all," Hera said.

"This is a millenia old tradition," Amphitrite continued. "When a mortal hero surpasses all others with truly extraordinary feats,"

"Then the three Queens, of the sky, sea, and underworld," Persephone added. "Thank that hero for his or her great deeds."

"And since we are all quite loyal to our husbands," Hera continued, "There is a guarantee that they will not be related to us."

"It is only reserved for the greatest of heroes," his stepmom said. "There hasn't been one in roughly a hundred and fifty years."

"And many of the greatest heroes from myth did not distinguish themselves enough for this gift," Persephone concluded.

"And, uh, what exactly is this gift?" he asked. "I mean, I'm honoured and all that, but gifts from gods generally have a funny way of screwing me over."

"The gift is simple, young hero," Hera said softly. "The three of us are here to serve your sexual desires."

"In any and every way possible, we want to thank you on behalf of Olympus," Amphitrite said.

"We want to relieve every frustration, every stress, in the most intimate of ways," Persephone said.

"In other words," Hera began once again.

"We want you," Amphitrite said.

"To fuck us," Persephone said.

"Huh," Percy said thoughtfully. "And what do you get out of this? Pleasure? My semen for some sick, twisted use?"

The three laughed. "No hero has ever managed to make us orgasm before," Hera said haughtily.

"Nor has their sperm been enough to impregnate us," Amphitrite said.

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