Hylla & Hazel

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The part of Hylla will be played by Olivia Munn.

The part of Hazel will be played by Logan Browning.

It was funny how quickly things could escalate in Percy Jackson's life. For example, Percy had just been asking the receptionist at Amazon headquarters if he could speak to his friend Reyna's sister, and within seconds Frank had been kicked in the chest, a dozen girls had surrounded them with swords, and they had been brought to meet Queen Hylla.

Quite frankly (bad pun intended), Percy was just glad that Frank had managed to escape. He could only imagine what kind of small creature the younger boy had turned into to hide.

The Amazons had spent a few minutes searching for the wayward son of Mars, before growing impatient and taking their two prisoners directly to the Queen. Right according to plan, Percy thought wryly.

Soon enough they were brought before the Amazonian Queen. "You!" She accused as she saw Percy.

"Me," he answered, before a light bulb flashed in his mind. "Oh. Clipboard. Spa. Pirates." Memories of a past life rushed back to him, of being a guinea pig and a pretty blonde girl and pirates rushing a spa resort. "Believe it or not," he said with a shake of his head, clearing the fog from his mind, "There's a perfectly reasonable explanation for all this."

Hylla crossed her arms over her chest, raising an unimpressed eyebrow. "Explain then. Not you," she clarified as Percy made to answer, "The girl."

Hazel shifted from one foot to the other. "The god of death, Thanatos, has been chained up. We're on a quest to release him. Our leader, a girl named Reyna, said that you would help us."

Hylla's eyes widened. "You lie," she snarled. "Reyna would never associate with this vermin," she motioned to Percy.

Percy pulled his necklace out and showed her the ring Reyna had given him. "She said this would convince you."

Hylla's eyes widened once again. She looked around at her warriors. "Leave," she said suddenly. At their confused looks, she insisted, "Leave us now. Trust me, I shall be more than capable of defending myself from them."

The thickly muscled girls muttered as they dispersed. "Why should I help you?" Hylla asked.

"We already told you," Hazel said with a frustrated tone of voice. "With Thanatos in chains, no one can be killed. Any enemies the Amazons may encounter can easily escape."

Hylla rose from her seat and slowly circled them. "Yes, I know all that. But I find myself... uncertain." She trailed a finger along Hazel's neck.

"Please, put your hatred for me away," Percy pleaded. "We'll do anything, just let us leave and continue on our quest."

"Anything?" Hylla asked. She looked them both up and down, her eyes seeming to linger on Hazel's trim waist and large posterior; on Percy's firm arms and noticeable bulge in his shorts. She walked back to her throne, her hips swaying as she moved. "I'm sure we can work something out."

Hazel seemed to detect something in Hylla's voice as she suddenly stood a little straighter, placed her hands on her hips, and a small smile quirked her lips. "What did you have in mind?" she asked lowly. Percy gave her an odd look.

Hylla sat back on her throne and stretched out her long legs. "Take each others clothes off."

Percy was flabbergasted, to say the least. He had expected to have to slay some random monster on a time consuming side quest. That was how this usually worked. "I'm sorry, what?" he asked.

"You heard me," she said. "Take your clothes off."

Hazel elbowed him in the gut as he was about to continue arguing. "Just go with it," she whispered.

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