Calypso & Clarisse

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Percy was in Elysium.

Maybe not literally, because literally he was in the Poseidon cabin at Camp Half-Blood, but he was pretty sure having one of the most gorgeous girls on the planet sucking his dick counted as Elysium.

The girl kneeling in front of him and worshipping his dick had caramel hair braided over one shoulder. Her almond colored eyes gazed up at him lustfully as she impaled her mouth on his shaft over and over, slurping and moaning like it was the best thing she had ever tasted. Though she looked to be sixteen, Percy knew she was actually millennia old. She was effortlessly more beautiful than Aphrodite could ever be.

"Shit, Calypso, I'm gonna bust!" he warned.

The demi-titan at his feet continued her earnest sucking and reached between his legs to grab his balls. She cupped the heavy sack with love and lust, rolling his testicles over and rubbing them.

Percy closed his eyes as he felt his sperm rocketing up from his balls as she milked him for all his worth. Calypso kept sucking throughout, swallowing it all as he launched his come down her throat.

Just then, there was a loud knocking on the door. The intruder didn't bother waiting for an answer before opening the door. "Jackson, you - what the fuck?!"

Percy cursed. There was no way out of this, because the girl who had caught him with another girl's mouth around his cock was none other than his in-camp nemesis, Clarisse.

"Oh my gods," Clarisse's voice was full of awe and victory. "Oh my fucking gods! I just came here to tell you, Jackson, that you were going to be one of the leaders in Capture the Flag tonight...but oh ho ho, this is so much better!" She laughed nastily.

Calypso pulled her mouth off of Percy's now flaccid member. He quickly pulled his boxers and jeans back up. Calypso wiped some excess semen from her lips. "Clarisse, please. Can't we find a way to... work this out privately, without any mention of this to Leo or Annabeth?"

Clarisse laughed in her face. Percy shot her a look like she was crazy. She may as well have been; Clarisse was never easy to reason with, but it was only made worse by her having blackmail over Percy.

Clarisse asked, "What could you possibly have to offer me?"

Calypso grinned sexily. "Word around the grape vine is your romance with Chris Rodriguez is not very ...passionate." She stepped closer to Clarisse, within inches now.

Calypso was utterly dwarfed by Clarisse in every respect. Clarisse was tall, as tall as Percy, and had broad, muscled shoulders and arms. Even in an old, sweat-stained grey t-shirt it was clear that she was extremely busty, and her casual yoga pants emphasized her amazing rear. Calypso was far slighter, though she was still well proportioned given that she was around half a foot shorter.

Still, what Calypso lost in size and bust she made up for in sheer attractiveness and confidence. It was clear that Clarisse was not used to being confronted on a sexual front, and was not at all comfortable in this kind of a situation.

If Percy thought Calypso had lost her mind before, his jaw was near the floor now. Was she actually trying to seduce the tough-as-nails daughter of Ares?

"I-I don't know where you're getting your information from," Clarisse stammered.

Wait a second. Clarisse never stammered. What the actual fuck?

Calypso placed a hand on Clarisse's hip. She didn't reject the touch. "That hardly matters. What does is that you're in the same situation as me and Percy - Leo's too immature and doesn't bother tending to my needs, Annabeth wants to be a virgin until marriage, and Chris isn't very good in the sack."

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