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The part of Kinzie will be played by Gina Carano.

Percy's orange jumpsuit rustled as he finished wrapping a book and put it on the assembly line to ship to whoever had bought it. He certainly hadn't imagined, a year and a half ago, that he would ever end up accepting Kinzie's offer.

It had been a wild year and a half, though. His new half-brother had arrived at Camp Half Blood, and before he knew it he had been run out of Camp. With no where to turn to, he had gone to the Amazon headquarters. One collar around his neck and an orange jumpsuit later, and he was sorting through packages to deliver.

He still occasionally came across something that reminded him of his previous life at camp: an order of the newest series of Mythomagic playing cards, a book on architecture, and anything related to the mythological world. He would briefly wince at the reminder of who Percy Jackson used to be, but ultimately moved on.

A voice broke him out of his reveries. "I told you you'd look good in an orange jumpsuit."

Percy cracked his neck and turned around from the stockpile he was working on. "Kinzie," he said, "Can I help you with something?" He spoke as the Amazons had taught him to, deferentially and respectfully.

Respect and deference had never come easy to Percy, though. The Amazons had done their best to beat it into him, but it was really their efforts during the Giant War that changed his mind the most. He still got punched and slapped a fair bit and even occasionally stabbed for speaking out of turn, but for the most part he and the Amazons were on better terms.

"Your Queen wishes to see you."

Percy grimaced as items were continuously added to his stockpile. At this rate, he'd be lucky if he finished this shift before his next one started.

In the end, Percy followed Kinzie to the Throne Room. He didn't even pretend to be surprised when she pulled him aside into a closet and jammed a chair underneath the doorknob.

"Apologies for the false pretenses," Kinzie said.

"You use the same false pretenses every time, Kinzie," he said. "You aren't exactly fooling me."

Kinzie tugged him by the metal collar and pulled his mouth down to hers. He was a few inches taller than she was. She kissed him strongly, her tongue invading his mouth easily. They had done this enough times that he knew her kissing habits.

She was wearing a pant suit, being the 'head of security' at the front desk. He reached around and grabbed her ass, making her gasp against his lips. She palmed his hardness through his jumpsuit; the tight pants left little to the imagination as she could easily see his manhood's form through them.

Percy tangled his hand in her straight, shoulder length dark hair. Kinzie did the same to him as boyfriend and girlfriend sought to gain dominance over the other. Percy wondered why they bothered; it always ended the same way.

Kinzie backed them over to a desk. She unbuttoned her jacket and blouse. Percy took the moment to unbutton his jumpsuit, letting the top part fall behind him, still attached to the pants. Kinzie was in just her bra and the suit pants now.

Kinzie sat on the desk and then leaned back, pulling her ass off the desk. Percy pulled her pants down to her ankles, where she kicked them off, and then tossed them with her shirt. Her black bra was matched with a very slim, black thong. It covered so little that Percy could see her pubic hair.

The thong went next. Her tender nether lips now revealed, Percy bent over in front of her and blew into her. She shivered and pushed herself further onto the edge of the desk so that she was almost entirely off it. Taking the signal for what it was, Percy parted her lips with one hand. He licked up the entirety of her slit and nibbled at the top.

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