Sally and Amphitrite

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The part of Sally will be played by Ava Addams (using incognito is recommended).

The part of Amphitrite will be played by Lisa Ann (using incognito is recommended).

This takes place in a mortal AU.

Around twenty years ago, Percy's father had married his high school and college sweetheart, Amphitrite. Percy's dad had been somewhat of a jock, and was a good enough swimmer that he actually won a couple of gold medals in the Olympics for swimming.

Within a couple of years of marriage, Percy's dad had cheated on Amphitrite. He had an affair with Percy's mom, Sally Jackson. When Amphitrite found out, she just about immediately divorced Percy's dad, who then got engaged to Percy's mom when they found out he was on the way.

Fast forward five or six months, and Percy's dad went on a small fishing voyage with some friends. Whether they crashed into some rocks or if he just abandoned Sally with their son, none of them ever knew. For Percy's sake, Sally always told him he had been lost at sea.

Up to that point, Sally and Amphitrite had only a met a couple of times, and both likely would have escalated to violence if it weren't for Sally being pregnant. But with Poseidon presumably abandoning Sally with her newborn son, Amphitrite now viewed her in a different, sympathetic light.

Amphitrite visited Sally when she was in the hospital, shortly after giving birth to Percy, and comforted the new mother. While Amphitrite and Poseidon were both in their mid-twenties, Sally was only nineteen. Sally was skeptical and mistrusting at first, but she soon formed a bond of sisterhood with Amphitrite.

The next sixteen years saw Amphitrite and Sally becoming practically sisters. Percy was raised by the both of them, and despite having his father's eyes and most of his strong facial features, he was quickly able to worm his way into the hearts of his mom and his 'Aunt Amphitrite.'

When Percy was fourteen, Sally started dating a teacher from his high school, Paul Blowfis. Percy didn't mind him, but because of the absence of his father he had always been very close to his mom and 'aunt', so he had a hard time trusting Paul.

One day, Percy got home from school to find that his mom and aunt were baking cookies. "Hey sweetie," his mom said. "How was your day?"

Percy's mom was, objectively, extremely good looking. She was in her mid thirties but still in her prime - if possible, she was getting even more attractive with age. Her long brown hair descended to her shoulder blades in slight curls. Her warm blue eyes glinted in the sun. Her face was round and angelic.

"Not too bad," Percy said, slinging his backpack off his shoulder and dropping it into a corner.

"Uh huh," his aunt said, not sounding impressed. "And why are you an hour late?"

Amphitrite had flowing black hair and dark eyes. Despite her hands being on her hips in an attempt at sternness, her lips were curled into a kind smile. At forty-five, she was hitting her peak as a MILF, although Percy tried not to think of her in those terms.

Percy scratched the back of his neck. "I got detention again." He said it quickly and quietly, hoping Sally wouldn't hear him.

"Oh Percy!" Sally said with an exasperated but fond sigh. "What happened this time?"

"This senior was bullying Nico, so I punched him in the face."

"Punching people in the face doesn't solve anything, Percy," his mom said sternly.

"I know," he said sullenly. "But if you had heard some of the names he was calling Nico..." Nico was like a brother to Percy; they had been friends for years. Along with their other friend Grover, they made quite the trio: the cripple, the queer, and the dyslexic/ADHD kid. And people like Luke Castellan had a remarkable tendency to piss all three of them off.

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