Rachel & Katie

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The part of Rachel Elizabeth Dare will be played by Bella Thorne.

The part of Katie Gardner will be played by Daisy Ridley.

The centaur Chiron stood before the cabin leaders in the Big House with news of a new quest from the gods. "Well?" Travis Stoll asked, from next to his brother Connor. "Which god screwed up this time?"

Chiron levelled them with a glare. "Lord Hades has alerted us that some seeds from the pomegranate tree in the underworld have gone missing. He believes them to be in the Sea of Monsters, along the coast of Scylla. In order to get there and to contain the plants, I've chosen Percy Jackson and Katie Gardner to lead the quest. No objections," he said as both Stolls made to object.

Chiron continued, "As always, the two of you can choose a third member of your quest, after you have consulted the Oracle. Perhaps Ms. Dare will suggest you not to choose any children of Hermes as your partner."

Katie glared at the Stoll brothers, who as usual were checking her out. "As if we'd choose them anyways." Percy spared them a sympathetic glance before leaving with Katie to find Rachel, the Oracle of Delphi.

It was a fair bit of a trek to the Oracle's cave, so Percy and Katie filled the time with small talk. Katie was wearing muddied jeans and her orange camp shirt. Despite being first cousins and having known each other for years, they had never really hung out together.

"Is this your first quest?" he asked. He knew Katie was one of the demigods who stayed at camp all year long; she didn't get along with her father and being the daughter of one of Kronos and Rhea's children, monsters were attracted to her scent.

"A couple," she answered. "Mostly helping satyrs bring in new demigods, or to help with plant related problems, like this one."

"So what's going on with you and the Stolls?" he prodded.

"Nothing is going on with me and the Stolls," she answered. "They're immature man-children who need to stop pranking my cabin."

Percy chuckled. "You sound like Annabeth used to sound when she talked about me, before we started dating."

Katie glared at him. "Oh, shut up." That only made Percy laugh even harder. "How's Annabeth doing?"

"She's good," he said. "She wanted to give her dad and step-mom a second chance, and so far they've been getting along well."

"Lots of IM's?"

"Iris must be making a fortune off of us."

They arrived at the Oracle's cave soon after. Rachel was already waiting for them, wearing a blue shirt that was too big for her and paint-stained jeans. "Hey friends!" she said, setting down her paint brush. "Here for a prophecy?"

"Yes, we are. Does the Oracle have anything?" Percy asked.

"She might," Rachel said. "But I don't think I wanna give it away for free."

"What?" Katie asked. "You want us to buy your prophecies now?"

"No, nothing like that," Rachel defended. "I just want Percy to let me suck his dick. And don't act like you don't want it, Percy, I know jerking it for IM's of Annabeth can't compare to a real blowjob."

Percy looked to Katie, who said, "I won't tell, as long as you let me in on the action."

Percy seemed to be weighing his choices, but between going back to camp without a prophecy and getting his cock sucked by two hot girls, it was an easy choice. He pulled off his shirt and unbuckled his pants, letting his jeans fall to the ground. Rachel caressed his hard on through his boxers.

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