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The moon was at its peak. I was taking a nice walk in central park. I grew up in and around this park. When Gabe and my mom used to get into it, I would either try to fight Gabe or my mom would ask me to leave for a while, both resulted in me coming here. I have slept in various spots throughout the park, so its not hard just to get lost here in memories. It was almost hypnotic out here, actually it was. I didn't even see the chariot that I walked right into. I flipped over the reindeer pulled chariot and swore loudly. I groaned as I sat up.

I walked to the side of the chariot, I knew I had to blame for my not so mysterious fall. The goddess of Maidens, and the hunt was staring at me mischievously, "Hello Perseus, long time no see."

I glared at Artemis with serious conviction, my mood was not the best after going through all the bad memories, "What do you want Artemis?"

She grinned, "Lets go for a ride I will tell you exactly what I want in the air."'

I looked at her hesitantly, "You know I am not a demigod anymore. You can't make me do anything!"

Her face suddenly turned a tinge angry, "Perseus! Unless you wish to be a jackelope for the rest of your God life I suggest you get in the damn chariot!"

Not wanting to be turned into a jackelope I finally decided to get in the vehicle with her. She snapped the reigns and the stags took off across the night. Once we were over downtown Manhattan the ride steadied and we went at a constant speed. We sat in silence, you couldn't even hear or feel the wind. I guess Artemis had control over all that and hearing the wind for thousands of years I guess would not be so peaceful. After what felt like hours of silence I said, "What can I help you with Artemis? You made it pretty clear after I became the God of Sexual intercourse that I was to stay away from you and all your hunters."

She stared off into the distance not meeting my eyes. She let out a breath before blurting out, "There was a prophecy once given by Apollo. It said that one day the goddess of the moon and maidens would have to break her vow in order for her hunters to survive. You see Goddesses can remain maidens for very long periods of time, but no one can do so forever. It will eventually drive them insane and kill them. I may not be happy about it, but you are the best man I have ever known. If I have to break my vow and accidentally have kids, I would want to break it with someone who I know would care for me and my child. Someone who would give the potential child good traits, so if it is a boy he wouldn't be a complete arrogant ass hole like most men are. Do you see where I am going with this Perseus?"

I slowly nodded my head as I began to comprehend what was being said. She sighed, "That's not the worst of it. Over time my hunters may approach you. Not because they want to, but because they have to. I won't lose any of my hunters. And you are the only one that can break their vow without their being serious consequences. Perseus you are my only hope for this! Father wanted me to mate with Ares, but I hate the arrogant bastard. Please Perseus, you know I am not one to beg and grovel, but I will do anything. Anything you ask."

I wasn't going to take advantage of Artemis. But I would fulfill her wish. I sighed, "Where do you want to do it?"

She smiled at me sheepishly, "You want to do it tonight?"

I decided I like her flustered side, "If that suits you my lady."

She went ahead and nodded her head, "I suppose tonight will do."

An awkward silence came among us before I broke it by saying, "So where?"

She looked at me confused before she face palmed herself, "Oh sorry, anywhere is fine..."

Her face was scarlet red. I finally decided I would take pity upon both of us. I was sitting on her right side so I reached over and grabbed her left leg, spinning her to where she was facing me yet sitting on my lap. I took observance of Artemis. She looked different then normal tonight. She looked about eighteen which was a little younger than me when I took Godhood. She had her usual silver eyes and a skimpier hunter's outfit than usual. Her breast were pretty small maybe a low B-cup. Her ass was kind of small as well, but I knew this wasn't my average night girl. I forced my lips onto hers. Her lack of experience was somewhat comical. Her kissing matched mine just fine, but when I tried to slide my tongue in her mouth she didn't know what to do. I knew this was going to be a long night. I swirled my tongue in and around her gums and her own tongue. I opened my eye just a bit to see her face like she was already having an orgasm. Talk about your Kodak moments. I then began to run my hands down her side. I then carefully put my hands on her ass and she broke the kiss and slapped me across the face, "How dare you, you perve!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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