Hestia & Demeter

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The part of Demeter will be played by Keri Russell.

The part of Hestia will be played by Jessica Biel.

Percy walked along the cobbled streets of Olympus. He had been visiting Annabeth, who had just begun working on rebuilding Olympus. All around him, statues were broken and the houses of the minor gods were caved in. Annabeth certainly had her work cut out for her.

Percy passed through the minor gods' stucco homes and found himself wandering through the palaces of the Olympians. The statues were in similar shapes, but most of the palaces were in relatively good shape.

It was as he was walking through the Olympian area that he heard a scream, clearly female. It was followed soon after by another, and Percy was easily able to track it to the palace directly on his left. Grains and wheat were growing all over the extensive front yard; it didn't take Annabeth's deductive mind to realize it was Demeter's.

Had Percy been a few years older and had more experience with women, he may have recognized that these screams were of erotic passion, not fright or pain. Alas, he didn't recognize this, and ran into the palace, his hand gripping his trusty pen.

"Hello?" he called out as he entered the palace. The silence was deafening, broken a minute later by a series of giggles. "Hello? Lady Demeter?" he called.

He heard footsteps alighting down the stairs of a nearby spiral staircase. He uncapped Anaklusmos, allowing it to grow to its full length as a celestial bronze sword.

"You can put the sword away, dear nephew," a kind voice said, one that he recognized.

Another familiar voice added, "Oh I don't know, I'd rather like to see his sword."

The duo made the final turn of the staircase and appeared in front of Percy, both wearing bathrobes loosely tied around the front and ending barely below the waist.

The young demigod fell to his knees. "My ladies," he said, his face turning red as he began to realize what he had walked into. "I'm sorry, I thought someone was being attacked."

"Hush, Perseus," the warmer voice said, which Percy could now attribute to Lady Hestia. "You're company is not unwanted."

"Er... What?" he asked, his mind slowly forming conclusions.

The second, saucier voice, which belonged to Lady Demeter, said, "What my sister means to say is that we have a very large bed upstairs, and it feels very lonely with only the two of us." Demeter tugged at her bathrobe, exposing a tantalizing amount of cleavage.

Percy was at a loss for words. "You mean... I thought you were an eternal virgin?" he asked Hestia.

The goddess shrugged. "That's what I tell my brothers to keep them away from my bed."

The pair of goddesses slowly circled him like sharks circling their prey. Hestia trailed a finger down his chest and they both pressed their bodies against his sides.

What little self control he had was being washed away very quickly by the alluring deities. It certainly didn't help that his teenage hormones had been blue-balled by Annabeth all day, who had been wearing incredibly short shorts and a low cut shirt but had refused to do more than kiss him.

"I guess it would be rather rude of me to break into your palace and leave without making it up to you," he suggested.

Hestia and Demeter both latched onto his arms. "Yes, you did break in, didn't you?" Demeter mused as they led him up the stairs.

"Yes, but he did so heroically!" Hestia praised. Percy blushed at the compliment.

"I suppose we should thank him, then," Demeter concluded as they reached the top of the stairs and approached the bedroom.

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