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I was called to the Olympian council room on a beautiful autumn day for an unknown reason. I made my way up the marble footsteps to the throne room. I remember walking through these corridors in the time of the first Titan war and it made me thankful for the time I have now. In my time as the God of sex I have found a peace that I was missing my whole life, and if I have to go around banging everything that walks until the next war than at least I am having the time of my life!

After walking to the throne room and finding it empty I just stood in the middle of it wondering what kind of trick this was. Suddenly the room shifted and I was sitting by a fire by myself, I immediately jumped to my feet and drew riptide faster than most would think possible. The flames perked up and suddenly a soothing voice came from the fire, "Relax Perseus! Its just me!"

Suddenly a silhouette began to form out of the flames. After a moment Lady Hestia appeared to me, and her appearance was surprising to say the least, all she was wearing was black panties and and a tight black bra. She leaned up against a new wall that was just generated out of mid-air and stretched her arms up. She was clearly in a very sexy eighteen year old form seeing as she is fairly skinny with smaller boobs probably a small B-cup and a small ass. She was clearly like five foot two or three so she was extremely small, but as I watched her, her ass and boobs seemed to just grow as I was watching them. Her dark red hair was in pigtails now and I couldn't help but think damn, she has some amazing dick sucking lips! I bowed stuttering, "L-L-La-a-a-d-d-y H-H-e-s-s-t-i-a, what do you want?"

She smiled as she walked over to me. She put her hand on my chin and said, "I have been doing some studying in the archives of Olympus. It turns out that Maiden Goddesses can be released from their vowels of maidenhood by only the God of Sex. It just so happens you are the God of sex and I wish to be able to be fucked like crazy! Now what do I have to do to get you inside me?"

As she said this she slowly starting rocking her hips back and fourth right in front of me. I tried to hold my ground, as I feel weird fucking my dad's sister who is supposed to be like my aunt. I said with the most calm voice possible, "Well I release you from the vowel!"

She grinned at me as she went down on her knees, "I am afraid it doesn't work that way Mr. Jackson! To be released I must be well... Released! To lose the vowel I will first have to break it. Is that going to be a problem?"

As she asked me this she has unbuttoned my pants and forcefully pulled them down leaving me shocked. She snapped her fingers and suddenly my boxers were gone and she was staring at my dick hungrily. I didn't know what to say, and I didn't have to say anything as suddenly I felt her small hands go around my stiffening dick. She slowly began pumping it, and licking small circles around my head, "Come on Perseus! You will only get one shoot at little old me, I have been around for thousands of years, and I can give you wonders!"

She then moved one hand to my balls as she then took half my dick in her mouth. Her tongue seemed to be dancing around it and on it as I felt pleasure course throughout my body. Suddenly I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed her by the big tails and forced my cock all the way into her throat. She took it like a Goddess should though and didn't choke at all. She instead gently running her teeth down my shaff as my whole erection was inside of her. I figured I wasn't going to let her get off easy for practically raping me so I shoved her mouth all the way down on my cock over and over again. I suddenly shot my load into her mouth and forced her to swallow every bit of it. I let her go and she was gasping for breath. Not giving her much time though, I picked her up and put her on my shoulders. Though this wasn't the normal putting a girl on your shoulders and you carry her around. I had her pussy facing my face as I intensely ran my tongue through her pussy. I felt my teeth go by her clit several times giving her a gentle tease. She moaned and had both hands on my head as she tried to get my face further into her perfectly shaven pussy. I then began humming into her pussy causing just enough vibrations to cause her to buck against my face clearly enjoying some new skills I had found!

After a minute she came and I took it all in my mouth but didn't swallow it. Hestia snapped her fingers and a bed appeared. She went and jumped on it and I was right behind her. Instead swallowing her cum though I had different plans. I steadily positioned myself on top of her, but then my mouth went down to her belly button. The cum was now very warm and thick in my mouth, but now was putting it on my tongue as I ran my tongue across her nipples. The warm feeling of the liquid on her breast made her gasp with pleasure. I then went to her face and began to kiss her. Her tongue begged for entrance, clearly she wanted just a tad bit of what she tasted like before I swallowed! I allowed her entrance and her tongue ran across mine sweeping her own juiced out of my mouth.

I gave her a small smile, "Now the real fun begins. Lets go to my palace though for this, this whole place of darkness and you just conjuring things is kind of giving me a creepy vibe!"

With that I snapped my fingers and Hestia and I were both in my palace naked. I gently laid her on the bed and I sat next to her, trying to decide what position I was going to use. She suddenly started crawling away from me only to lay flat on her stomach with her pussy right near my dick. She then climbed backwards a bit and then straddled my dick with her thighs and pussy. She was clearly hesitant on entrance. She wrapped her two arms around my calfs as I now had a perfect site and her well rounded ass that was hovering just over my penis that now wanted to fuck the shit out of her clearly tight pussy. I then said, "Say the word mi'lady."

She timidly said, "Do it!"

I then put my hands on her ass and forced it on my dick. I didn't want to give her a chance to be in pain so I didn't stop their, for at least three minutes straight I slammed her ass on my dick over and over again. Her screams of pleasure were so loud they were echoing off the walls, I was really glad my palace was sound proofed by Hephaestus. Hestia though was just amazingly tight, it took me a minute to actually be able to get all the way inside me. She is still a really small girl and that just made her easier to maneuver though while I was literally fucking her senseless. I suddenly felt her second pair of lips clench hard on my dick and she shot hot very thick cum onto my dick. I still hadn't come yet though so I slipped one of her legs under me and put her other leg on my shoulder spreading her legs nice and far apart. Suddenly I then began drilling her with full force. All ten inches straight into her. My riptide was clearly taking her by surprise and washing her away as her face looked like she going through just one orgasm after another. I drilled her like this until I felt my balls tighten and I knew it was time for one more position. I laid her backwards and slipped her feet under her butt, I then leaned her backwards and started ramming it in her once again. This brought a wail of pleasure and I cringed as my own body filled with the same ecstasy after I shot my sperm straight into her vagina.

I then laid on my bed and put my hands behind my head, she after a minute crawled up next to me. She whispered, "You know I am not going to be able to walk straight for a few days at least right?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah I know, but actually if your done I think I have a new way I'd like for us to rest, so that way the pleasure never ends, it just slows down...Or would you like to go another round?"

Her face clearly paled, "I think the rest sounds good, what did you have in mind?"

I quickly grabbed her by the hips and swung her whole body around where she was facing the opposite direction and then I shrugged my shoulders, "69!"

She knew what to do from there and crawled to my now errected dick and licked it just for the hell of it. I did the same with her ass in my face, at first I just groped her and slapped her ass pretty good, but then I felt my tongue begin to slide down into her soaking wet pussy. I just took my time running it in and out for long periods of time. Finally I noticed she was drifting to sleep when she very tiredly said, "Thank you Percy. You have brought old pleasures back to my life, ones I have dearly missed."

After a few moments I didn't say anything her face was asleep literally inches from my cock. I played with her ass a little , but then I get an idea, I slowly began pumping my cock, but made sure that I came fast. After only about thirty seconds of jacking off I squirted all over her face, before she could wake up and react though, I picked up her hips and planted her on my dick letting her ride me like a bronco. The pleasure of that a long was enough to finish me for the night. Her tight pussy was clearly the correct Elysium that I had not chosen. As she now laid on top of me, inside of me I said, "Damn, I love being a God!

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