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Water cascaded down Percy's front as he rinsed his shampoo from his hair. He was in the male section of the communal showers at Camp Half-Blood, and his last training session had left him needing to wash up. Long gone were the days of untrained demigods, now most of them had been through at least one war.

He turned the water off and dried himself with a thought. He immediately longed for its refreshing properties. He fastened a towel around his waist for modesty and scrutinized himself in the fogged up mirror, trying to figure out if he needed to shave.

Someone knocked lightly on the door, disrupting him from his examination. "You can come in, I'm decent," he called out. It was probably one of the demigods who had just finished training up and had the same idea. There were more than twenty showers, so it was a little odd for someone to knock, but he pushed it aside.

The door opened and closed after only a brief second, as if someone had ducked in. "That's a shame, I was rather hoping you wouldn't be," a female voice said. "That's the whole point of surprising someone in the shower, after all."

Percy would have recognized that sugary sweet voice anywhere. "You do realize this is the men's showers, right Drew?" he asked, still not looking away from the mirror.

His inattention was probably what led to his surprise when he felt warm hands pulling off his towel. "Hey!" he protested. "What are you doing?"

Drew looked appraisingly at his flaccid cock. Even at its softest, it was still longer than most of the campers.

"That's a nice looking dick," she said bluntly. She moved to grab it but Percy batted her hand away with one hand. He used the other hand to cover his genitals, though he knew it was a feeble effort.

"I think you should leave, Drew," he said sternly.

"And I think you should let me suck your fat cock first and see if that changes your mind." Against his will, his cock twitched.

Drew stepped closer to him. "Seriously, Drew, I've got a girlfriend, and someone could walk in at any time."

"Then seal the doors," she suggested.

"...That's actually a good point, but it doesn't change the fact that I love Annabeth."

"She doesn't need to know."

"But I'll know!" he protested. "And I can't betray her like that. I'm sorry, Drew, but you need to leave, now."

Drew put manicured hands on curvy hips. "Percy, seal the doors." Her voice carried an odd air of authority, and before he knew what he was doing he had shot jets of water at the doors, sealing the hinges. "Good. Now move your hands, and let me have a good look at that dick." His hands were gone before she had even finished talking.

Drew's eyes were clouded with lust as she looked down at his now hard prick. Dimly, Percy was aware that she was using charmspeak on him. Drew ran a long finger along his shaft, tracing the throbbing veins. She tickled the head and cupped his balls.

She took another step forward so that she was flush against his bare skin. She was tall, only a little shorter than him, and her almond shaped eyes complimented her black, perfectly curled hair.

Drew was wearing only short shorts and a dangerously low cut shirt. She pulled the (unsurprisingly) pink shirt off, revealing her phenomenal, perky tits. Percy had heard rumors of her promiscuity, so he wasn't very surprised by her lack of bra. Her dark nipples stuck out against her breasts, erect from what had to be arousal, since the showers were still steaming hot.

She turned around and bent over to pull off her shorts and thong, showcasing her round ass. "Lie down," she ordered. He obliged, ignoring the hard tiles against his back.

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