anger and epiphanies

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Thank god for Rm , Teri thought 10 minutes later . He had taken in the scene very quickly and had explained to both her and security that it was a misunderstanding.  Explained to her,  which now she thought about it,  the obvious reason she couldn't use a blade on their precious artist and sorted security out by having Teri show her  I.d.  Eventually they'd let her off with a warning.

She had bowed low and thanked the staff , realising just how close she had come to maybe losing her job and had bowed to Rm promising if he ever needed anything from her to just ask.

Rm had patted her on the back and said " no problem " and every one had scattered to their respective areas.

Suga was feeling conflicted , it had been funny at first ,  he had known that Teri would get into trouble,  how ever instead of feeling pleased with himself now,   he had noticed that Teri was holding their wrist and he realised that security had hurt it ..and that made him feel guilty. He didn't want to feel guilt and that made him angry at himself. He grabbed at the towel around his neck and scrubbed the remaining foam  off his face , wondering what to do. Should he use his normal electric dry shaver now ?

Teri was fuming , she was embarressed and hurt , her wrist throbbed and she still had to shave Suga.
She looked over to where he was still sat in the chair. He was avoiding looking at her , how she wanted to smack that face of his .

She clenched her good hand into a fist a few times and tried to calm down.
She was about to step towards him when over her head piece one of her assistants was asking a question , with the excuse to leave she said through gritted teeth " shave yourself , I'm busy, oh and you know how to dress yourself too ?  right ?"

She walked off and out the door before Suga could reply , once outside she walked briskly down the hall to what she hoped was an empty room, went in and using her bent arm to muffle the sound screamed her anger and frustrations out.

Feeling better, once done, she set off to find the assistant that had called her.

Suga was..dumbfounded,  Teri had left , just like that and he was expected to get ready himself ?!
He was still sat in the chair when Rm came over  " come on , we have to be on stage soon "
Suga nodded and got his electric shaver out and started to shave, by the time he had finished one of the other assistants had come over and started to moisturise and then put his make up on. He didn't say a word but had guessed Teri had sent them.

More conflicting emotions hit him , he could almost understand Teri's anger , and he was sure their wrist was hurting , yet they had still arranged for him to have help getting ready like a true professional, despite her parting words .

The show ran with out a hitch , every time Suga came off stage he was surrounded by his assistants and the floating assistants , his costume changes , hair and make up all happened smoothly,  but no Teri , and it bugged him that he noticed that.
He didn't even know the other assistants names , well a couple of the long term regulars but he didn't know anything about them, but he knew Teris name and knew he wanted to know them more.

During the show he hadn't had time to really think about any of this , but after, he decided to go looking for Teri. He asked Jimin to invite Rm back to his room instead of his,  made excuses , and left as soon as he could.

He managed to get into the waiting van and back to the hotel with out too much trouble and while in the van he had message Teri 'where are you?' No reply ...he tried calling , straight to voicemail the time he was back in his room he was worried , worried that they'd quit and he wouldn't get a chance to be with them.
Well that's what he told himself , not wanting to admit he was worried that they wernt ok .

Holding his phone in his hand he paced in his room..he didn't even know where the staff were staying , it would be on this floor somewhere because that's what the company did . He wondered who they shared a room with , he wondered if he could ask some one , but then they'd want to know why.

He wanted to punch something,  he opened his phone again and text " you didn't do your work today are you trying to get sacked ?" He pressed send and waited ...

He was still waiting when he woke up the next morning and was actually more than a little concerned now . He messaged his manager , Teri was his assistant after all , he could ask about them, but also didn't want to get them into trouble..he worded his message carefully " can you ask Teri to come to my room ,  I accidently brought some of my costume back with me last night and it'll need cleaning before the show ?"

His manager replied almost immediately " I'll have one of the others do it , Teri will be off for the last show as well. She'll be back at work once we leave for Germany "

What !!? Why ?? Was it him , had he gone too far ? , no he hadn't really even started ... could he ask why ? Why was he asking  and second guessing all of his decisions ? Just do it !! He told himself " why ?" He asked and the reply made him feel bad " Teri has fractured her wrist , the scaphoid to be specific,  so she has 6 weeks of rest , although now it's in the backslab there is still a lot she can do , but I said don't worry about anything for the rest of the week and rest up "

Numb Suga replied thank you and then sat down , he wanted to be concerned but one word had got him curious .....she ..   Teri was a she ? Did the manager know or was he speculating. ... and then he thought , if Teri was a girl but dressed like a man maybe she liked women and he would never be able to have her , this thought hurt more than he wanted to admit , he was confident that if he set his mind to it he could make even a straight guy want him but a gay women , he had no hope .

This brought genuinely feeling of sadness to him and he allowed himself to feel those emotions before working through them . He knew bottling emotions up could damage his mental health . He wasn't ready to admit that perhaps he liked Teri more than a body he wanted to screw, but he was willing to admit he was sorry they were hurt and sorry for himself if Teri was infact gay.

Once he acknowledge his feeling and emotions he dealt with them the best he could and then just as he was getting in the shower he had a thought,  he didn't know anything for sure still,  not if Teri was a girl even , although he was now almost 100 percent , and if she liked women or men , or both , like him. Why was he giving up so quickly ? That wasn't like him at all !

Feeling better he washed and got himself ready for the day , he was dissapointed he wouldn't see her , yes he would think of Teri as her from now on , instead of,          ' they '  but he wouldn't give up , maybe he just needed to change tactics.

Suga  A backstage RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now