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It was their last night away , and they were taking one last walk along the shore. They had spent the day just as they had planned , they'd snuggled on the sofa and watched a movie, had dinner delivered and eaten good food with light conversation.

Both trying hard to ignore the problems that faced them once back.

Teri was lost in thought, wondering what it would cost to get him away from her and Suga once and for all.
Suga was thinking similar thoughts, however he had also been a little proactive. Whilst they had watched the movie , 3 private security guards had been installed near them and were currently sat a way back along the shore pretending to be friends drinking by the sea.

He couldn't help though feel bad over his conversation with Jin, ' noo! He had almost screamed down the phone , much to Jins surprise .

He wanted to deal with this away from the company , away from potential leaks and paparazzi. When Jin had asked how though he hadn't had a definitive answer , but what he had said was just keep watching him for now , he had wanted to give Teri this time with him, before who knew what else would happen. He wanted her memory of this break away to be of them admitting their love for one another , and when she learnt she was beautiful.

They stopped walking and he stood behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist , as they faced the ocean, the sky beautiful and clear again and the waves calm . He heard her sigh and looked down at her face " happy ?" He asked , she nodded and wrapped her arms over his " you know, I love you so much " she said , " I...." she wondered how to say what she wanted to say with out mentioning ' that man' hesitantly she continued " I know that there are a lot of people that will wish they are me " she felt him nod and nuzzle into her neck " it ever gets dangerous ...I would leave protect you " she felt tears and her heart sped up at the thought .

" not happening " he said squeezing her tighter " never ! " he sounded so fierce she turned to look at him ..
" if some one hurt you because of me I would never forgive myself "

He knew why she was saying this but couldn't say anything more yet , so he worded his words carefully " are as equally important to me as I am to you , do you think any one could really hurt me , I have security all the time, even if you can't see them " he cast a quick look at the 3 men down the shore and for a moment thought about telling her about them at least , but changed his mind , maybe if she asked ... " and.." he continued " it is not that easy to meet me , other wise Army would be popping up all over the place. Plus .." he carried on quickly before she could interrupt " Army talk tough but they accepted Tae and Jk , and Rose for Rm ..they'll love and accept you too , and if they don't, that's their loss , not mine "

She was speechless, and honestly didn't know what to say , she didnt want to tell him there was a real threat, but would his security be tighter if they knew ? She struggled with this dilemma for a while, but then the temperature dropped and she shivered . Very quickly Suga insisted they headed back and for now she dropped the subject , she was starting to get a stress headache .

An idea, plan came to Suga as they walked back, hand in hand, and he needed to ring Jin, so as soon as they were back he suggested she have a shower and he would sort them a light snack of fruit and beer and they could snuggle in their pj's for their last night.

Needing time to herself anyway she readily agreed.
As soon as he heard the shower start he rang Jin . Less panicked this time he greeted his brother and then said " I want to meet him "
" absolutely not !" Replied Jin , shocked and terrified by the thought ..." I have to , I want to give him one last chance to vanish , I'll give him enough money and a ticket to China, or the Philippines, or Australia, I don't care where but it will be one final chance to deal with this with out hybe getting involved ."

" No , no way and there's no way we're keeping this from the brothers any more either, I have already schedualled a meeting for when you're back tomorrow morning. I'm sorry brother but there has to be another solution "
Frustration had Suga swear and Jin just let him vent until he stopped, he honestly felt for his brother, but no one was worth the risk he was prepared to put on himself.

Once Suga had calmed down Jin said quietly ," I might have an idea ...."

By the time they got off the phone to one another Suga was feeling somewhat calmer ..his original plan was almost accepted , except they would send the security that were already following him instead.

He was nervous to tell his brothers everything tomorrow though , Rm was going to be pissed , well actually they all would be , they only person he thought might understand a little was Jk because of what had happened before .

Teri had finished her shower and helped herself to a beer while Suga took his turn to freshened up . The last couple of days had been amazing and emotional , and stressful and wonderful, and in the end ,sea air, full tummy and one beer and she fell asleep on the sofa .

When Suga left the bathroom he saw her and went and sat in the floor next to her . She was always beautiful to him , but when she was awake there was a wariness and hardness to her face , like a mask , but in her sleep her features became softer , she reminded him of the Disney sleeping beauty , or snow white.

He gently brushed her cheek with the back of his finger , and fierce protectivness came over him , an almost uncontrollable urge to scoop her up in his arms and hold her safe forever ! ' That man ! was threatening the one person who lit up his life.

Before Teri had come in to his life , he would have described living as perpetual twilight , with the only pops of light coming from performing , coming from his music , but now he had seen that living outside of music could also be happy , he would not let anyone take that from him.

He could see the tip of her scar visible under the v of her pyjama top , he was happy to see she wasn't wearing a bra, not in a sexual thrilling way but it meant she really was comfortable with him now, but how she had been made to feel because of that scar brought the anger back and he noticed his hand even shook slightly.

He pulled his hand back and grabbed a beer instead. ' this has to work ' he thought to himself as he drank nearly the whole can in one go' that man needs to dissappear for good , or brothers be damned he might be tempted to do something he probably shouldn't or couldn't do, but he'd try !

He finish the beer then gently lifted her and carried her to bed, other than murmur his name Teri didn't stir.
With her in his arms it took a long time for him to fall asleep too but eventually he drifted off, only to be woken a couple of hours later , by a nightmare .

That man had been dragging Teri by her hair backwards , she'd been screaming , but he hadn't been able to move.

He'd cried with relief when he had woken and seen her next to him.

Suga  A backstage RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now