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It had been a wonderful few days and Teri was sad to see them over. Apart from the one txt , which she hadn't replied to ,the whole break away had been magical.
Somthing inside her had changed , she wasn't sure what but she felt different , she felt loved and dare she even think it,  pretty.

She didn't want to hide herself away anymore , no that was the wrong wording , she thought as she dried herself after her shower , she.?....she scrunched her nose up as she thought , towel stopped mid drying. ... before she wanted to be invisible,  and now?.. its not like she suddenly wanted to flaunt her femaninty,  but she didn't mind if she was seen for who she was now.

She laughed and continued to dry her hair , if anyone else could hear her thoughts they might think she was crazy , but they made perfect sense to her.... even , she thought , catching a glimpse of her scar  barely visible in the steamed up mirror , even if this scar was now seen , would she be as terrified? She was an adult , children's words couldn't hurt her any more , her step fathers words didn't matter , Suga loved her and had seen her completely naked and still made love to her , why would she care what other people say ?

Not that she was ready to wear a low cut top , she thought smiling to herself as she put her sports bra on and a pretty lemon coloured  blouse with white loose fitting trousers . She then sat on the toilet seat and  put her pesky support boot on , she would be glad when it could come off and stay off .

By the time she came out of the bathroom , suga had tidied and finished packing and cleaned down their accommodation. He'd had too much pent up energy to just sit and wait for her , he was nervous about talking to his brother , he was nervous about how ' that man ' would take his ultimatum,  and he was sad to be going back to not having Teri with him 24/7.

" you look sad " she said as she walked up to him and put her arms around him . He wrapped his arms around her as well and said " I'm going to miss not waking up with you each morning " she laughed and slapped his arm playfully " you've practically moved into my apartment , what are you talking about ?"

" not the same " he mumbled and she just laughed again.

" come on my sulky man , we need to be checked out in 10 minutes "

She went to pick up her little suitcase but he got to it first " I've got these " he said handing her the house keys " if you can just lock up and post the keys back through the letter box "

She took them and nodded.

The journey back didn't take long and all too soon Suga had to drop her off at her apartment . He had been worried to leave her but Jin had assured her that security were still watching the man and that currently he wasn't in the city , so that had helped a bit.
" rest up " he said " if you need anything let me know and I'll bring it back with me this evening.  I have to go into work for a bit , but you may as well enjoy your last day off " she nodded and smiled and wished him goodbye . She was indeed starting back at work the next day so she might as well relax for one more day.

" what ?" Rm asked.

They were all in Jins room and Suga had just explained what little he knew about the man that had upset his girlfriend and posted a picture of himself in her house .
" why haven't you asked Teri about him yet ?"
J-Hope interrupted with his own question " do you even know who this man is in relation to Teri? Could he be an ex boyfriend who jealous of you ?"

Suga shook his head " no he's much older and...."

" Doesn't necessarily mean anything now a days " J - Hope interrupted

" actually " Suga said,  " I think I know but I haven't been able to confirm it , but from what Teri has said I think perhaps he's her step father . She hasn't talked much about her upbringing but that in itself leads me to believe it wasn't the happiest.

I do know she lost her mum when she was young in an accident and that Teri and the step dad was involved  too. "

There was a silence then Jimin spoke up " if it's a family thing do you think you should get involved ?"

"Teri is my family !" He almost growled,  Jimin was startled and put his hands up " chill brother , I wasn't saying she wasn't,  it's just , well , we are brought up to respect our elders and please them , maybe Teri is just being filial ?"

" what about the picture ?" Tae said quietly,  clearly remembering his ordeal and the pain that it had caused him and his loved ones. Jk squeezed his hand " no one will hurt our brother " he said reassuringly " we have a lot more security in place than before babe. "

" I am not sure exactly what was meant by the picture but we will find out tomorrow. I'm drawing up a contract tonight to give him money enough to start over in a new place and leave her alone are just going to have to trust me when I say he's no good. "

" but.." said Rm , his brain working in over drive , Suga cut him off " you didn't see her !" He said " she was scared after he called her ,"  terrified , and then she ' accidently ' hurts herself a few days later !?....I'm sure he had something to do with that"

Everyone could feel how sincere and passionate Suga was about this .Rm , ever the leader still wanted to be sure they were doing the right thing before getting rid of Teri's only family member that they knew of.
Their discussions went on until well after dinner,  and in the end Suga put an end to it all by saying " look its simple , if the man accepts the money and plane tickets and signs the contract , well then he's simply not meant to be a part of her life anyway is he , because no amount of money would tear me away from some one I cared about , nor would you "

They had to concede to his logic and Rm helped Suga type up a legally binding contract and witnessed it with his own personal stamp .
" we have your back brother.. always! " he said as he watched Suga fold the contract up and put it in an envelope " I just don't want you to get hurt . If it turns out that Teri isn't as afraid of him as you think , she may break up with you for interfering "

" I just have a feeling " Suga said " I just know she doesn't want him in her life "

Tae came up and put his arm around him " you do what you have to do " he said solumly " I know you'll protect her because you love her " Jk came and stood next to his husband " if you need help , you know where to find us "

Suga felt emotional , a rare feeling for him around his brothers , " thank you " he said simply.

Suga  A backstage RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now