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Suga had woken to the sound of the bathroom door closing, happiness flooded through him as he realised that Teri was still there, she hadn't snuck out . After the last couple of weeks of turmoil and darkness she was a light that he suddenly wanted to follow , he didn't understand any of the feelings he had and he didn't know how she felt . Would she even want him still in her life , did he have it in him to offer her what she needed ..he didn't have the answers to any of these questions , but what he did have was her..right now.

He'd guessed she might be embarrassed , after all she had literally cried herself to sleep in his arms... another first for him he thought. So he'd decided to make the morning encounter as light and stress free as possible, or at least try...

He wanted to make her feel comfortable , he wanted to spend all morning with her , he suddenly wanted to know everything about her .

She had been in there ages and the wait had been excruciating but he heard the door open eventually and a huge grin spread across his face, he couldn't help it , she looked adorable all sleepy and messy and cute " Good morning beautiful " he said . He noticed a look of panic , he could read her like a book , he knew she was thinking of leaving.. he walked towards her and just pulled her into his arms and waited. He could feel her heart beating wildly against his chest , he held his breath , would she push him away ?....he felt her arms go around him and he tightened his hold on her in relief.

" Are you ok?" he asked gently into her hair, he felt her nod and smiled " are you going to hide in my arms all day ?"he said with a chuckle , he felt her smile and nod again " Oh well " he said " I guess it can't be helped if you're stuck there " he bent down and scooped her up, wrapping her legs around his waist, she squealed , laughing and playfully thumped his arms and said " Put me down " Her laughter was making him feel so happy he hoped he would never have to see her cry again, he carried her over to the counter next to the kettle and sat her down. As soon as he let go she buried her face in her hands , He pulled her hands away " why are you hiding ?" he asked , still smiling " because I look awful " she replied " my eyes are swollen, my hair is a mess and ..." " And yet you are still perfect and beautiful to me "

She shook her head, nice smiling Suga was a lot to take in , especially given their history " why are you being so nice to me ?" she asked . He busied himself with the kettle , getting mugs ready for the coffee, giving himself time to think.. problem was he wasn't even sure himself, when did Teri become more than a bed partner, when did how she was feeling become important to him and when did her happiness effect his? He should have known she would want answers , did he have answers to give ?

" lets have our coffee and we can talk on the sofa " he said playing for time... she nodded and waited.
Once the coffee was made he helped her down off the side and together they walked to the sofa. She sat down in the small armchair thinking better to have a bit of distance if they were going to have a serious talk. She hoped her scar wouldn't come up in the conversation, she had never spoken about it and was sure she couldn't .

The silence was awkward but in the end he had to speak .." You asked why I am nice to you ?, I counter with why wouldn't I be ?"

She shrugged " we had sex, we argued, and now we've made up , but you don't need to be nice to me , I wont tell any one about us, It was fun and good but you don't need to put so much effort in. " She took a breath , she had to let him off and let him go, charming Suga would be difficult to ignore and easy to fall for .

" Is that all you think you're worth ? " He asked, he could see she was dead serious and that hurt.

" That's all we agreed to remember " She countered

" what if I want more ?" he asked , she looked at him confused " More what , more sex ?"

he shook his head " more .. everything ?"

She wasn't understanding him at all, was he saying he wanted to continue their sexual relationship ? would he stick to the rules this time ? " You want to carry on from.. before ?" She asked. Suga sighed this was going all wrong " I like you " he blurted out " You want to date me ?" she asked completely disbelieving him , he stuttered somewhat, " I cant date you " he said " not like a regular person , I just ... want to spend more time with you , I am happy when I am around you , and not just for sex " there he'd said it , now all he could do was hope she actually understood what he was trying to say , even if he didn't fully understand himself yet ..

" I think I need to think " she said somewhat panicked , she hadn't expected this , hadn't planned for this, in fact it hadn't even crossed her mind that he would want to continue seeing her at all , let alone ..what...more ?

He took a deep breath, " when you weren't here I missed you , I found myself looking for you , listening for any snippet of conversation about you , I wanted to message you a hundred times in a day, when I thought I wouldn't see you again I got depressed, when I saw you yesterday , I felt happy and when I woke up this morning and you were still here I felt lighter than I have in weeks , and that's all because of you , I don't know exactly what that means but I do know when you weren't about everyday and everything in that day was a drag. "

She actually giggled " sorry " she said , his face grew sad .." but I think that's the longest speech I've ever heard you say "

He cocked his head to one side " I've just poured my heart and soul out to you and you laughed at me ?" He stood up in mock anger and she giggled some more , laughing in place of serious talk was definitely something she needed right now, she was confused and her heart was feeling emotions she had never allowed herself to feel before ...As he came closer she held her arms out to him , he knelt in front of her and she sat forward wrapping her arms around his neck..." I missed you too "

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