security is happiness

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The next couple of weeks were some of the best of Teri's life. There was nothing extraordinary about them,  in fact apart from her boyfriend being Suga from Bts , to an outsider they might think her life was boring and mundane , but for Teri they were perfect , she rode to work with her boyfriend most mornings and ate dinner with him most nights , he stayed over when work allowed him to finish early enough and their evenings would often be her laying on the sofa reading , or scrolling social media , and he'd be on his laptop writing .

Sometimes  they'd visit Rose and Rm and have dinner with them. She still felt a little intimidated by Rm but she loved Rose and little Bora Nabi.

Sometimes Tae and Jk  would come over to her tiny apartment and they'd eat take away and drink beer, other times maybe J-Hope would pop round and him and Suga would have mini rap battles,  which were always fun to watch.

Life was honestly perfect . She had even got a new phone, because Suga had  accidently  dropped hers and broken it phone ,meant new number ,which equalled  no scary text messages , and finally she was getting more and more comfortable in her new wardrobe ,including some sexy underwear that gave her courage to be even braver in the bedroom. 

She blushed as memories of last night and silk ties came to mind , , she wondered if Suga was thinking about it too as hed opted for his formal black tie hed worn to the white  House as part of his outfit with reporters today...she giggled, blushed some more  and then quickly dashed all of her thoughts,  she had to behave and work. She was sat in her office trying to work the rota for the week. Now was not the time,  but she couldn't help the smile as she clicked away at her keyboard.


" are you sure hes still in Manila ?" Suga asked Park Chin-Hae.

Mr Park had just informed him that his men had lost him. Suga had been getting twice weekly reports since that man and arrived in the Philippines,  so far he'd acquired a room and board , spent money on clothes and a haircut .
After that , he had started to frequent the local casinos,  unlike Korea where gambling was illegal to korean residents,  in the Philippines there was plenty of gambling establishments.

This worried Suga as he wondered how long a million US dollars would actually last to a gambling addiction,  which they where pretty sure he was , even after this short amount of time.

Currently a million dollars was worth 58,473,000 phillapine pesos,  had he not been an addict surely this amount of money should have set him up for life.

Suga swore as Mr Park explained that they had observed him entering a particular casino , but hadn't left by morning , not unusual in itself but by the following evening one of the security men had gone in and still couldn't find him.

" He can't just dissappear!" He said running his hands through his hair ..

" we think that he must have left via a back entrance we didn't know about " Mr Park said apologising,  " I'm personally flying out there myself as soon as our meeting is over , I'm sorry sir , I'll find him "

Suga dismissed him and paced in his studio,  swearing occasionally ....'just when things were settling down !'he thought to himself.
Work was great , music and lyrics were flowing as he prepared for his solo album and of course he had Teri .

He had just started to relax and look forward to the future , trust the longevity of their could they lose him !

He looked at the time ' shit ' he and his brothers had an interview today with a fashion magazine , and it was time to go. He grabbed his wallet and keys , shoved his phone in his back pocket and rushed out of the door , almost running into Jk who was about to call for him.

Jks strong arm stopped him falling over and he laughed " woah there " he said in his funny English,  " where the fire ? "

Suga looked at him , but couldn't laugh , the worry over the missing man , the threat he thought was over , all came to the forefront of his mind again when saw Jk .

He could still clearly remember his face when Tae had got kidnapped..." how did you do it ?" He asked quietly . Confused Jk stood back and looked at Suga " are you ok ? Do what ? What's happened "

Suga shook his head , now wasn't the time , he could hear his brother coming down the corridor and out of their rooms . " don't worry " he said,  giving his best gummy smile to his little brother " I'm good . Come on let's go get this over with "
Not convinced but respectful enough to let it go Jk slung his arm over Suga's shoulder and together they met up with the guys. " let's go to work " he said smiling as Tae saw them and came bounding over wearing his best sulky face " hey that's my arm over your shoulder " he said to Suga . This did make Suga laugh and he nimbly ducked out of JKs arm and said mockingly " my humblest of apologises sir "

Tae quickly took his place smiling as Jk rolled his eyes affectionately.

Suga let them walk off and he followed behind , watching them and the others as they all made their way to the entrance where a black Mercedes van was waiting for them.

He used to think his brothers love and Army's was all he'd ever need in life , but Teri completed it,  he wouldn't allow anyone to hurt his family and he was quiet on the ride to the studio. Wondering what more he could do to protect them.


His head hurt like a mother fucker! He tried to roll over but seemed to be tied down.
Slowly he opened his eyes bright !! He closed them again then groaned as his memory started to return . He was broke ! All fucking ready !
He'd been on a roll and the fancy clothes and winning streak had brought the ladies as well. Best couple weeks of his life , but then he'd lost it all and he was sure he'd been swindled , when he had complained and accused the house of cheating they'd dragged him out the back.

Fuck! No wonder his head hurt , he could clearly remember the baseball bat coming for him ! Bastards!.  He opened his eyes again , yep he was in a hospital , he looked down , his foot seemed to be in some sort of cast and so was his arm. FUCK FUCK FUCK , this was going to cost money he didn't have . He groaned some more as the pain hit him and he closed his eyes.. now what? He asked himself .

Just then Daechwita played some where in the distance and he took it as divine intervention.. it was a sign.

He had to get back to Korea and see that man again. He needed money and a million dollars wasn't nearly enough , this time he wanted a lot more.

He tried to smile but his lip was busted , but still he felt better now he had been led , now he had a plan ....

Suga  A backstage RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now