push and pull

26 6 2

Last night's opening show had been exhilarating .
It was  still early in the morning the next day ,but Suga was already at his computer screen,  writing .

Some of the other guys liked to work out to relax, but that wasn't his idea of fun .

Writing was his escape , so when ever he couldn't sleep , had too many unwelcome thoughts,  he'd work.

This morning despite being body weary from last nights performance he'd woken up excited to see Teri today and to see what he could do or say to get their attention.

He'd laid in bed and pictured Terri's head bobbing up and down, whilst on their knees giving him a blowjob and had had to finish himself off  before getting up.

Whilst it hadnt been the most satisfying wank he'd ever had  , it had done the job .

After that he had got up and showered and then made his way to his computer .

Staring at the screen for a moment it occurred to him to  wonder if Teri was a man or a women, not that it particularly mattered but he was curious  ..he was leaning towards a women but this was Korea and polite society dictated  he couldn't ask .

He wondered if his brothers knew and how he'd go about asking ...something to come back to he thought , before going back to the complex melody he was writing .

The next couple of hours flew by for him and then it was  time to meet the guys .

They were having a meal together before going down to the arena , he wondered how Rm was doing, he'd been on fire last night , probably because Rose had been in the audience , but he knew all too well the crash that could follow a high and parting from Rose again , he was going to need all of them around him over the next few weeks.

Making a mental note to have Rm back to his  room after the show , he grabbed his phone and left to meet them.

Just as he had thought everyone was chatting away and smiling,  talking about last night but Rm was stood over by the window , phone in hand.

With out even going over there he knew he'd be watching his baby scan video so left him to it .

It was Jimin that brought up Teri.." girl or boy ?" He asked the table...Rm looked over from where he stood and said  " I think im hoping for a girl but just healthy and ill be happy "

Jimin and Jhope laughed together and then Jimin said " sorry brother , we were talking about Sugas assistant "
Rm's brows furrowed as he tried to recall who they were talking  about and then said " oh. Teri ?" Jimin and the others nodded . Whilst Rm thought , Suga concentrated on his food , he didn't want to seem too interest but was listening intently. " I think boy " said Rm eventually " " us too " said the married couple , " Jin and J-hope said " girl " in unison and Jimin looked at Suga and said " you work closest with Teri what do you think ? "

Suga looked up and shrugged " does it matter ? " he asked pretending nonchalance,  he took a bite of his food and purposefully kept his eyes on his plate .
Jimin grumbled " you're no fun " and the subject was changed .

After they had all eaten Suga and the others went back to their rooms for an hour,  a stray comment from Jin had given Suga the perfect plan to make Teri get very up close and personal with him and he was excited to implement it .

Just as they'd separated Jin had said " think you need a shave brother " Suga had nodded .

He had known he needed to shave before the show but now it occurred to him he should ask his very capable assistant Teri to do it.

He wasn't sure what time the crew would be at the arena so he pulled out his phone and messaged.

They had to be able to be in contact with their assistants so numbers had been handed out the other day.

" Hi Teri , this is Suga.........

He quickly deleted the message Hi Teri?! He asked himself...

" Suga here. I need you to give me a shave before the show so come in half an hour . Don't be late " he pressed send before he could berate himself for being rude and quickly changed into shorts and a tee shirt, text the group chat that he was leaving early , made arrangements with security and a driver and was at the arena with 5 minutes to spare.

With a smug smile on his face he sat in his chair , phone in hand and waited ..Teri hadn't replied,  but he could see the message had been read .


She had dealt with some rude arseholes in her time but something about Suga just made her blood boil.

Twice she nearly replied and both times she had taken a slow breath and deleted the message.
Now though she was feeling quite pleased with herself,  she looked good , she knew .. she had made her hair black today and brushed it in a very masculine style , think Rm UN talks , sides brushed back with a quiff for a fringe.

She was wearing black loafers , no socks , black tight jeans turned up at the ankles , a white oversized shirt and a black skinny tie .

She didn't have much of a bust , but in the shirt you could tell , so she had purposely put on her tightest sports bra and worn a tee shirt underneath as well.

He was probably expecting her to bulk at the idea of shaving him , she wondered if he knew she had taken a barbers course. She smiled as she checked her straight blade razore nestled in its case .
She wondered what he'd think when she pulled it out .

Humming a tune to herself she walked towards the dressing room. Mindful of him complaining about being late last time she purposely stood outside the door and waited until the last couple of seconds to walk in.

The look he gave her as she walked through the door was almost enough to make her run away , his eyes ate her up and watched every step as she walked towards him,  a tiny thought of 'shit ,had she bitten off more than she could chew?'  invaded her mind but she ignored it , straightened her spine and plastered a smile on her face.

With barely a nod of greeting she opened her kit bag in front of him and watched his face in the mirror as he saw the knife.

Sugas eyes actually widened in fear , did Teri hate him that much ? But then he would be damned to show his fear so he relaxed his face and kept silent .

He didn't say anything when Teri wrapped a towel around his shoulders , but the contact of her hands touching his neck,  sent shock waves down to his groin and he had to change positions and recite some lyrics in his head to stop himself exposing his desire..

He kept it in check as he watched Teri  who was using a big fluffy brush and soap  to make lather. He kept his eyes glued to Teri's mouth as she came in close enough to apply the foam gently across his face, he could feel Teri's breath  and thought it smelt sweet , maybe minty .

Once she was satisfied with the coverage she picked up the blade and smiled directly at Suga , on the outside she seemed calm and confident , inside her heart was beating a hundred miles an hour, damn this man had charisma ! And he wasn't doing anything , just watching her , silently ..she could understand why people said he was like a cat.

Hoping her hand wouldn't shake she leant in ready to take her first stroke when suddenly the blade was knocked out of her hand and a security guard had hold of her wrist..she looked at the guy in uniform....To Suga who seemed to be trying to hold back a smile and then back to the security guard " what the fuck !?! " left her mouth before she could stop her self and Suga lost it, foamy bubbles spurted from his face as he laughed so hard.

This was the exact scene Rm and the the rest of the boys saw as they walked into the room.

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