Shes back

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The show was going well, and every one was having fun, the tour was close to ending  and all of them were getting more and more relaxed on the stage, dances not so choregraphed because Tae would be cheeky and run off with a stage prop, or like tonight Jin and stopped to blow kisses out into the audience half way through 'I Need You'

There was a 15 minute interlude and they had all run off stage, hot, out of breath and thirsty. Suga ran over to his station and flopped onto a chair as several helpers surrounded him, someone had a fan on his face another was wiping his brow and neck and then some one was styling and drying his hair. For a full 5 minutes he sat there with his eyes shut just trying to catch his breath , when a familiar feeling crept over him, a tension in the air.. he opened his eyes and looked at his surroundings in the mirror in front of him and there she was , over in the corner, doing something on the table in front of her , with her back to him.

He jumped out of the chair much to his helpers shock and ran over to her , he was so happy to see her that he momentarily forgot she wasn't talking to him... he put his hand on her shoulder and she looked at him questioningly.

When she realised who it was behind her she couldn't hide her pain quick enough for him not to see.. he dropped his hand immediately. " You're back " He said for want of something better to say. She , having managed to mask her features and present a blank, almost bored face said " can I help you sir?" she held up a water bottle " water perhaps ?... no? " and then walked off.

He wanted to follow her but Jimin had come and grabbed his arm " you need to change we have 5 minutes " he literally had to tug on him until he followed.

The rest of the show went off with out a hitch but Suga couldn't remember much, he was just thankful that the 100's of hours practice they had all put in  had kept him going. He had to see Teri, he had to apologise .

By the time he had got back to the hotel room , showered and eaten something however it was very late.. nearly midnight.. he sat with the phone in his hand , could he text her, would she come and see him?

Teri wasn't asleep. The couple of weeks she had spent with Rose had been exactly what she needed , Rose was lovely and it had made a nice relaxing change to be around some one who actually liked her. She was genuinely so happy for Rm  and couldn't wait to meet their baby, Rose had promised once she was back in Korea to invite her around a lot.

She'd never a female close friend before and had felt a little awkward around Rose to start with but she was so open and genuine that Teri loved her like a sister and had even been honoured when Rose had agreed to allow her to call her older sister. If she was honest she hadn't really wanted to come back and had seriously considered quitting , but her pride wouldn't let her, and if she was really painfully honest with herself she had wanted to see Suga again. even though she didn't know how to approach him. She knew she had over reacted, but she didn't know what to do about it. If she had seen a scar on Suga some where , if she were normal she might have been curios too, but she wasn't normal, she was messed up in the head and the body !

She gave up on sleep and slipped a tracksuit on and decided to go for a run down by the coast, it was almost midnight , there wouldn't be many people about and running would help clear her head. All she had to do was get through the remainder of the tour then her duties would be different, chances where she might not even see Suga, because of her demotion she could end up emptying rubbish bins at Hybe for all she knew.

She left the hotel , and slowly walked through the parking lot towards the ocean, when she got a little way away she stopped and turned to look back at the hotel. It wasn't the tallest but it was beautiful , white with individual terrace pools for the vip suits... she wondered which room was Suga's. 

It was at that moment that Suga happened to be looking out of his window , and he saw her .." where was she going at this time of night " he wondered to himself. He didn't give himself time to think if his decision was the right one or not he threw black trousers and hoody on , hurriedly put his running shoes on and  left his room. 

Security wasn't so tight this time of night and no one saw him before he got to the main foyer of the hotel and he bumped into a couple of the night guards , just keeping watch in case Army tried to come in . He knew he couldn't slip past them so went up to them , said he was going for a jog and he would be fine. They didn't like letting him go with out company but they had to , he was the boss.. or at least one of them any way.

Into the night he ran out in the direction he had last seen Teri go. His limbs felt heavy , they had already worked so hard earlier that evening for the show that he found running difficult, but he ran anyway.

The beach was empty, the tide in, leaving only a small amount of sand visible, but on the path that was visible he could see faintly in the moonlights glow, a set of foot prints 'Teri's?' He strained his eyes to look down the beach.. way off in the distance he thought he could see a lone figure and set off again after her.

After a while the waters edge had come so far up the beach that Teri had to stop. She walked up the path and the down a jetty to the edge. She sat down letting her feet dangle . The moon was beautiful, the sea looked magical and all the stars shone brighter than she had ever seen... and she was alone.

She had always been alone, had liked that compared to living at home, but Suga had made her feel normal and wanted , in fact until he had touched her scar for a short while she had felt beautiful in his arms, and that's what hurt most, she'd almost felt happy. 

For two weeks she had held all her emotions in , all night she had worked as professionally as possible , but here alone she allowed herself to cry, she cried for... well for herself... for the little girl that was ugly, that was always to blame , .... she buried her face in her hands and let the tears flow. 

Suga was so close now he saw everything, the pain etched on her face, the tears wet and shining in the moonlight and heard the quiet sobs from behind her hands .

He didn't want to upset her more , he turned as though to leave , but the sound and sight of her  crying was too much. His feet carried him over to her, he gently said her name as he crouched behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

Suga  A backstage RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now