Teri and Rose

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The dress rehearsal had been phenomenal,  Teri had to admit the group was amazing , hard working and humble , well most of them any way. She still couldnt figure Suga out , he was quiet and kept to himself a lot it seemed. The other group members would usually be in pairs at least,  but Suga seemed content to be on his own.

He'd barely notice if someone was holding a fan to him or mopping his forhead , yet when she was working on him his eyes followed her every move .

Different to when he saw people he respected , sound technicians,  fellow artists , producers , he was all smiles and polite speech and bows even but for her nothing more than piercing intense gazes . It gave her chills and thrills if she was honest with herself .

Despite  being the new girl ,she wasn't worried at all when it came to her work ... she'd triple checked the list of items,  shoes,  accessories,  clothes . Her and her assistants had photos of how Suga wanted his hair and make up , lighter for some songs , darker for others, and she knew she was good at her job.

Originally she had thought to do Sugas make up herself but  she had changed her mind and assigned one of her assistants,  having her face that close to his might have been too much temptation. She was secretly both annoyed and enjoying the silent cat and mouse chase , but she was determined the chase wouldn't end with her caught so had taken herself out of temptations way .

As for the rest of the jobs backstage she was absolutely prepared , with her head set on so she could communicate with other staff , she was confident that the evenings performance would go well .


Not talking too but constantly watching Teri, was similar to tactics he had used in the past when he wanted someone,  like fishing, he'd  give a little on the line then let it run again but eventually he'd  catch the fish , or person , he wanted.

He loved the chase ,he loved the anticipation, unfortunately though the chase never seemed to last long enough and once he had them he very quickly tired of them.


An hour before the opening show Rm sought Teri out .
" hi , Teri is it ?" He said , a big dimpled smile on his face .

Teri nodded and bowed her head and asked "what can I do for you sir ?" . Inside she was hoping that Suga hadn't made a complaint against her , this job was important to her , but she met his smile with one of her own and waited .

" I ..erm..actually I have a favour to ask you , but.. I need you to be discreet "

This shocked her , why was Rm the leader asking her a nobody for favours , omg was he hooking up with a fan ?! The surprise and shock must have shown on her face because Rm quickly put his hands up and said " its not what you're thinking I swear "

Embarressed Teri lowered her eyes and waited .

Rm sort of shuffled from one foot to the other , she watched his feet and wondered what on earth it could be when he said in a very quiet voice " I need you to go and fetch a pregnant lady "he said ... he told her the seat co ordinates..and then cleared his throat nervously again and said " you have signed the official Hybe NDA haven't you ?"
She looked up at him then and said " of course sir "

Rm sighed and then continued " that's good , I chose you because you're new and less likely to talk amongst your colleagues " she nodded and said " I swear sir , it's more than my jobs worth,  what ever you need I won't breath a word "

Seemingly convinced he explained quickly and quietly that the lady in question was actually his wife and he would like to meet up with her briefly before the show opened. Prepared this time she managed to hide her shock and instead smiled a reassuring smile to Rm ,and then set off on her mission .

She didn't see the look Suga gave at seeing her and Rm chatting and smiling , but Rm did and wondered if this was something he needed to take more notice of , but for now he just walked over to Suga and explained that he was popping out to one of the other changing rooms to meet Rose and Suga seemed to relax a little .

He had been fucking jealous! He shouted with disgust in his mind .... He didn't want to admit it  but seeing Teri smiling like that up at Rm had made him so mad , he wanted Teri to smile at him like that , no what he really wanted was Teri to show him their cum face he corrected himself.. fuck ! He said one last time running his hand through his hair.   He took a deep  breath and then calmly told himself it was time to work.

  Teri wondered who the girl was that had managed to marry one of the Bts boys and admitted to being surprised to find a small pretty red headed English lady , sitting exactly where Rm had said she'd be. She came up behind her chair and said excuse me , but the women can't have heard her so she gently placed a hand on her shoulder making the poor women jump out of her skin. Teri felt awful and bowed and apologised quickly .

The lady had a nice smile and kept telling her she was alright and Teri took an immediate liking to her.

Indicating she should follow her with her hands Teri said " come with please "

The lady's whole face lit up making her look even more beautiful. 
As Teri walked Rose through the maze of the arena she wondered to herself if anyone would ever think she was beautiful,  she was slim and had a boyish figure , she stole a glance at Rose just before opening the door for her and indicating she should wait . This women had beautiful curves , her breasts..... most Koreans would sell their soul for , and her hair.....she tugged at her own short hair , maybe she'd go red tomorrow , with blue contacts.. today she had matched her hair pink and white spiky hair , with aqua green ones.

She sighed , nope no one would ever call her pretty and mostly that's exactly how she liked it . She purposely hid  who she was really. By changing her hair and eye colour , by wearing masculine clothes , no one knew the real her , no one could see the scared little girl that had been bullied in the past.

Being unique and owning that uniqueness meant no one could say anything to her she wasn't already saying to her self , ugly,  unworthy , like a boy , weird....if she dressed this way first people left her alone , and she liked that.

'It's weird though why Suga seems to be interested in me' Teri thought not for the first time...' maybe he likes boys and thinks you're a boy ' came the responding  thought.  She chuckled to herself , if that was the case she really could have some fun winding him up. Determined to dress even more masculine tomorrow she happily anticipated the new chase game she was  going to start. Instead of Suga chasing her , she was going to turn the tables and see how much he could take . This thought , day dream, kept her happily engrossed right up until the alarm  she'd set on her smart watch went off and it was time to collect the lady and take her back to her seat.

Once that was done it was time for the show. She'd be proffesional during the show , but in-between and after ?.. who knows , she thought grinning all the way back to the main dressing rooms.

Suga  A backstage RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now