time to make a move

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47 friends ..not bad ' he thought to himself staring at the computer screen, 2 of those friends with the Hybe employee he'd hoped to target.
He hit the send request button and prayed to his guiding saviour .... with just a little more help the idiot might actually be  useful .
He picked up his coffee cup that contained more whiskey than coffee and took a sip, then sat back and waited ...

" I'm so ready for this break " Teri said as she folded clothes into her rucksack..
" do you know where you're going yet ?" Asked Rose from the phone opened on camera mode, propped up against the bed side lamp .
Teri shook her head and laughed looking at Rose's image " nope , he won't tell me , but seriously where can we go ? We've only got 2 days and he can't exactly just walk down a street with me can he ?" She chuckled and held up a slim fitting knitted top " yes or no ?" She asked ..

She continued packing and chatting to Rose until eventually Rose had had to go and feed Bora nabi . She looked at the time and groaned, it was only 2pm and Suga wasn't due to pick her up until 7...she looked the room, it was already tidy , she thought about putting a movie on but dismissed it knowing she wouldn't be able to sit still.
The excitement had her buzzing. For over 3 weeks she'd barely seen the outside world and she was honestly going stir crazy.
She made herself a cup of tea and sat on her phone for a while , getting lost in funny Instagram posts , she especially liked the ones of Suga , they always made him out to be a cat , but to her he was like a lion , proud, powerful , strong, caring and protective .... she didn't want to even have to imagine life with out him now.
With him she was finally learning to love herself, to embrace her femininity and let go of her past.

Ping! She received a Facebook message request so she opened it.

It was from Kim Seo Jun....some one she  knew from work , but hadn't had much interaction with him. She just knew him to be a fairly young lad with a bright smile and easy going disposition.

" Hi Teri, Seo-Jun here , sorry to message you but I had a strange message from a man on fb and honestly I debated for a while but decided in the end  that you should know about it "

Below was a screen shot of the message from a man named  Song Yu bin

' hi mate , could you do me a favour please , I believe you're friends with my daughter Teri . I'm desperate to get hold of her but lost contact , but she needs to know that Mr Ming needs her  to contact me as soon as possible  .

There followed a phone number and the promise to buy him a beer if he was ever in the area.

Her fingers shook when she replied " did you answer him ?"

Immediately he replied " no it was too weird,  I checked out his profile and it wasn't even old , so I blocked and deleted...the only reason I told you was because I was worried about the Mr Ming he mentioned ....he's not talking about Suga is he ?"

Tears sprung to her eyes...think think , she couldn't involve anyone else so she quickly replied " I've no clue who he is or what he's going on about , probably some new phishing scheme out there , I wouldn't worry about it too much though .  Thanks for telling me . "

Once she sent her message she dropped the phone and sat down on the floor. Head in her hands she tried not to let the panic over take her.

First things first,  ring Suga , make sure he's okay.

When he didn't answer though keeping calm was almost impossible..  she tried Rms , and Jimins , again no answer,  she didn't have the others ...why didn't she have any one else's number !!? Stupid stupid stupid  . She hit her head with the palm of her hand ... physical pain ...a way to ignore the rising panic and emotional pain she could feel coming.  What should she do ? Could she ring Rose ? No she'd just gone to feed the baby , should she ring the number ? Her blood ran cold at the thought of it though .

What about the security guards? She suddenly thought , they'd know if her Suga was OK or not .. next question though how to get hold of them.

She tried to remember all Suga had told her , out of sight but always about...and then she remembered , she was in the BTS  house , not her tiny apartment,  staff and security must be  every where surely ....

Grabbing her phone she slipped out of the room and made her way up and down the corridors looking for staff.

She heard a  noise coming from the gym but it was just cleaning staff.

Desperate she ran back to her room . She was going to have to ring the number,  she needed to know if Suga was alright.

Her heart thumped loudly in her chest as she dialed the number ...
" hello daughter " came the voice of her nightmares

" I am NOT your daughter " she managed through clenched teeth " where is he ?" She said barely holding it together.

He couldn't believe it , he did a happy dance on the spot,  he hadn't really expected her to ring , especially after that guy hadnt even been polite enough to answer his message , had even resigned himself to having to find another way , but here she was ringing him and for some reason didn't seem to know where her boyfriend was. He had only thought to threaten him but if she didn't know where he was even better . He laughed and said " you'll need to come ask me that in person " he heard her catch her breath and a feeling of power washed over him .  The bitch was scared and it was almost enough to turn him on...much to his surprise.

" I want to talk to him " she said on barely a whisper...

Taking a gamble that his divine helping spirit was still behind him he replied " he's..asleep ." He purposely paused between the two words then continued " you've got 20 minutes to meet me ...lose security too.. and Teri!?" He stopped talking and waited for her to say " what?!"

She could hear the smirk in his voice " I can't guarantee he'll only be asleep after 20 minutes so be a good girl and hurry up.  Oh and just in case you're thinking of running away , dont forget I have photos of the two of you together.... selling then to the newspapers could fetch a pretty penny  "

He hung up and let out a squeel of excitement, , she didn't know he didn't have the pictures any more,  and she didn't know he didn't have Suga .... gambling had always been his downfall and his love ,  but with his guardian angel , divine spirit,  God what ever behind him this..this...the  biggest gamble ever was a rush and he felt high .

With her apparently  not in contact with the boyfriend he felt like a man sitting on a royal flush at a poker table...couldn't lose.

He text her the address of a small coffee shop near his lodgings , finished his drink and set about finding a car to steal.

Teri crumbled and screamed into a pillow.  Was she really going to be stupid enough to go meet him? With out bringing help ?

Despite the paralysing fear making her body cold and numb she knew the answer was yes...

Suga  A backstage RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now