contract signed

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Suga had left his brothers feeling emotional but happy.
The saying you can't choose your family was so wrong , he thought, he had chosen his brothers as his family, Rose as his sister, Bang as his father figure and now Teri as his life partner.
He stopped at a food stall on the way, mask , dark glasses and a baseball cap , the cloak of night granted him some anonymity as he queued up.

He ordered fried chicken and beer and set off for home again..... home .....that's exactly what Teri's tiny little apartment meant to him. He'd never be particularly materialistic before , well unless it was to do with his music and then he wanted and had to have the best equipment and newest gadgets, however , he couldn't wait to buy Teri her own house, a beautiful large home decorated anyway she wanted... to buy her the best clothes and the prettiest jewellery .....he wanted to spoil her like he had never wanted to spoil anyone before.

He parked in front of the apartment and turned the engine off, but didn't get out straight away , maybe the thought of buying gifts for Teri stemmed from the guilt he was currently feeling.... technically he was lying to the love of his life....he was also meddling in her family business....would she understand he was just trying to protect her.?

The guilt weighed heavy in his chest , but the smell of the chicken reminded him that she was waiting , so he got out of the car and put on his best smile. It wasnt a fake one exactly because he genuinely couldn't wait to see her , but it was a professional smile he had mastered years ago , which hid his worries convincingly .

The next day Suga had dropped Teri off at the Hybe building for her first day back at work and then gone to the studio to work for a few hours.

Concentrating wasnt easy , he kept glancing at his phone , waiting for a call to say the contract had been signed , but eventually work had taken over and he managed to get at least some of it done.

Song geom-eun gae was drunk , well not completely gone but definitely more drunk than sober .

Park Chin-Hae , the security personnel that had been given the task of approaching Mr song was watching from a parked car .

Ex military , black belt in numerous marshall arts , and built like someone who should win physical 100 .

He watched as Mr Song made his way up the road , he looked around and saw the streets were empty. Bonus. All he had to do was wait until he got closer to the car....which he did....
Park chin-hae jumped out of his car , grabbed Mr Song and had him in the passenger side of the car , before Mr Song even knew what had happened .

By the time he understood, Park chin-hae had started the car and was driving off at a rather terrifying speed .

Panicked and trying to put his seat belt on Mr Song cried out " stop !! Who are you ?! , if you let me go I'll get you the money !! I just need a couple more days !"

Much to his dismay , and only adding to his fear Park chin-hae didn't reply. Instead he concentrated on driving and ignored his passenger .
The car was locked and he was driving too fast to worry about losing his hostage.

The guy was drunk and uncoordinated, all he could do for the 20 minute drive was swear , beg, plead , and then cry.

He'd driven out of the main town and they were now in a very run down abandoned looking warehouse car park

By the time the car had stopped the man was whimpering " please don't kill me " over and over.

Park chin-hae slammed on the brakes and the man was thrown forward . He cried in pain as his neck whiplashed. Then cried out even louder when he was dragged out of the car and marched into the empty building.

He was pretty sure the guy had wet himself in fear and the thought disgusted him. ' Weak ass man ' he thought..... All Mr Kim had said was scare the man into signing the contract. He hadn't gone into specifics and he wondered briefly if he was going too far , but then shrugged , he wasn't going to really hurt the guy, he didn't have to ...the guy was already scared enough.

Once in the middle of what was clearly once a factory floor , Park chin-hae stopped.

Mr Song fell on his knees and started rubbing his hands together begging for his life , promising money he didn't have .

Slowly Park chin-hae reached into his leather jacket , Mr Park clearly thought he had a gun and screamed so loudly that Park said " oh shut up ! I haven't even touched you ....yet "

Apon seeing a brown envelope in his hands and not a gun Mr Song wiped his tearey eyes and held back the sobs. " w. w ..what do you want? "

Mr Park crouched down " today is your lucky day " he said " sign this contract and all your worries and financial troubles will be over "

Terrified and unbelieving Mr Song clutched his stomach " I need all my organs! You can't sell my kidneys ! "

Mr Park chuckled , it didn't do much to alleviate Mr Songs fear though and his tears were flowing again .

Waving the envelope around Mr Park said " I have been authorised to offer you $1million US dollars and a plane ticket to any country in the world and all you have to do is leave Korea "

Stunned Teri's step dad collapsed off his knees and onto the floor " what ?! " He said , clearly this was some sort of new sick psychological sort of torture ?

He opened the envelope that had been tossed on the ground in front of him and read it through, he'd long since sobered up and his greedy mind was already trying to see if he could get more . " this negotiable ?" He asked , he didn't need to ask who now , he'd recognised the names on the document ..only 1 million !? Huh ..

Park chin-hae stood up quickly and grabbed the contract back in his hand , then he loomed over the man who's temporary show of confidence had quickly dissipated back into fear.

Softly and slowly Mr Park said " you have only 2 choices , first sign this document and the money will be immediately trabsfered and I will personally escort you to the airport, or secondly, and honestly this would be my pick , cheaper and less risky..I could kill you here and now and no one would even miss you, or find you until your body started to rot ..." he stood up and paced leisurely, glancing at his watch " you have 30 seconds..I'm bored "

" I.i..I don't have my seal " he procrastinated while he thought ..." I have red ink you can sign with your thumb print ..20 seconds..."

' shit !' " okay okay I'll sign " he shouted

He signed the paper work angrily , now he knew he wasn't getting beat up or worse , he was pissed , pissed that that man that his slut of a stepdaughter was screwing had got to him first... but a million dollars ! That will go a long way in the Philippines , and there's no reason he couldn't come back , they paid once , what's to stop him being paid again.

Once the contract was back in the envelope he text the number he had been told and a minute later had proof confirmation of the money in an account . He handed the man a bank card and gave him the pin. Then after putting tarpaulin down over his seat first, much to the other man's embarressment , he made Mr Song get back into his car.

" I have to get my passport from home first " He said. Park chin-hae nodded. A man of few words now the job was done he went back to concentrating on driving. Once the man was on the plane his job would be done .

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