~The flashback

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"I'm so excited to meet you Alina" Nivind cried from the other end ranting about how much time it's been since we meet.

"Yes me too Nivi" Sid and Vikrti are getting married. I can't believe it too because just yesterday we all were in school giving our finals and today here we our! Its as if it was all yesterday. When I received a call 2 days before from Vikrti, I was so shocked because the wedding was in India, it was a destination wedding with 5 days in total. When I heard realised that he'll be there too, my first thought was to politely say a no but Sid insisted and now I guess here I'm!
Remembering that Nivind is on the call

"Ohh btw Alina you will be coming from paris straight right?"

"Uh yes Nivi most probably"
After chit-chatting as we always do, we hang up, sitting on my work desk, I realised how fast everything was happening around me. I was trying to handle everything knowing the fact that it's been 7  years but... It's just a matter of time. Yes it, saying that to my own self, suddenly all those biiter memories came back

"Hey akartya,"

"Oh heyy Alina, how are you?"

"All fine" it was the second last day of our schools, yes we were all parting ways not knowing what will be there for all of us in the future, scared I finally decided to confess my feelings for Akartya, he was my senior back then, and he was in school for his college preference examinations.. I had a crush on him since 8th and today here I was finally confessing to him, being scared, I-

"Akartya I like you, not actually, I really really really love you, I just-"

"Alina, are you alright?"
Just then, my all senses came back. I cursed my self in all the languages I knew and was just so done with my self when he said what ruined my life

"Alina, I'm so sorry but I don't feel anything for you, I hve seen you just as a friend, I'm -"
Before he could say something I left that place. My eyes still remember how hard I cried that day. For others he was just a crush but for me? My everything.

Next day when I found out that he was talking to my friends and was telling how girls are dying over him, I made the decision that no matter what, I won't be a girl Simping over a guy, NO.

My parents hve raised me better
And sadly it was the last time I saw him. Secretly.

Coming back to the present, wiping the tears now forming in my eyes, I tried to continue my day.

Just 5 days Alina.

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