~The breakdown

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I woke up with a sudden phone call, it was 1 in the night and when I checked, it was my secretary, Ciara.
I was a little confused because why would she call me this late? Forgetting about everything happened I picked her call and-

"Hey Alina, oh my god? Are you ok? Why aren't you picking up my calls? I called you 7 times already. Are you alright?

Ciara has always been like a friend to me. Gradually we have been having a casual relation in between but business is business and I didn't get why was she acting this worried suddenly.

"Ciara, I actually fell asleep. What's the deal? Why are you so worried? Is there a problem in anything?"

"Alina? You seriously forgot? Everything is fine but this is the first time you forgot a meeting. You had a meeting with Mr.Aaroni today."

Why would I have a meeting at 1 in the night? Shit. The damn time zones. How could I forget that India is 4 hours and a half hour ahead of Paris. And Mr.Aaroni always liked the time around 8 or 9. Shit.

"It's ok Alina, he's still waiting but if you want we can cancel the meeting"
She continued.

"No, it's alright, I-"
Its your battlefield Alina, it's between you.
"I'll be joining in 5"
And with that, I changed my self in something comfy and left my room because I needed a better place so that I can take a break from what happened tonight.

***There was this cafe within the 7-star hotel which I really appreciated because it was all empty, and there was no noise at all

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There was this cafe within the 7-star hotel which I really appreciated because it was all empty, and there was no noise at all.
My meeting was about to end when Mr.Aroni said
"Alina you never disappoint me, I'm excited to invest in your company's new project."

Mr.Aroni is an old man but I respect him like anything and he's been an investor in my company for like years now so yes after the meetings and business work we do talk about our personal lives too..

"But you are a young woman Alina, you should focus on your life too now."
Shit. That moment. His girlfriend- no. I can-
"Bye Mr.Aroni"

Without any further second, I ended the meeting and all those flashbacks hit me. I felt numb at that moment.
I- I, no no no god no please don't do this with me no. It's okay, he doesn't care. It's fine, it's alright.
Shit and Just the other second, I couldn't breath. I wasn't able to understand what's happening, everything felt numb, I- I put my face in both of my hands, I tried to control everything, but I was failing and suddenly someone wrapped their hands around me-?
I tried to look at who it was and it was Nivi. He was sitting beside wrapping both of his hands around me and I broke out. I couldn't hold it anymore. I just-

"Alina? It's alright. Cal told me what happened today. I'm so sorry. It's all my fault, I should have been there for you, I called you but I thought you were sleeping or something. I-"
Nivind was struggling, I was able to figure that out but I couldn't help it. I knew that he was not liking how ruined I was at that moment but- it just made me feel more vulnerable. I- couldn't help it but cried as hard as I could. I was feeling everything all at once.

"Alina- I feel so useless at this moment looking at you like this right now. I- I want to help you, but?. Shhh you can cry, but try to talk to me, please? And breath. It's alright"

"I love him nivi"

I finally confessed. I tried to get words out of me which was very nearly impossible at the moment.
I tried to stabilize myself, I just couldn't.

"I love him so so so much, am I that worthless? Am I that bad? God I love him so much. I can't take it all like this. I can't"

"Shh, Alina. Get one thing right. You. Are. Not. Worthless."
Nivi said with a hint of anger in his voice.
"It's just that sometimes things are not in our hands Alina. There's something better for you waiting"
He continued.

"I don't want the best Nivi. I don't. I just want him"

I said still being in his arms crying. I couldn't hold all of this. I was alright accepting the fact that I have to love him from afar, hiding somewhere most of the time but I couldn't anymore. I just-
I want to be selfish this time. But I- I.

"Cry as much as you want Alina? Ok? I'm here for you. If you want, you can leave all this tomorrow, I'll handle everyone"

He said to leave all of it.
Was it that easy?
How would I face myself? How could I handle the fact that I'm not even enough for one person? I'm not at all enough. I ain't. I couldn't think about anything at that moment but cried in his arms for minutes which felt like long, very long hours.
My vision blurred and I'm not aware of what happened next.
All I remember is that I was there in his arms crying my heart out.

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