~The acceptance

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I woke up with a severe headache. I couldn't remember what happened yesterday- oh. And then suddenly it all hit me again.

Shh- Alina. Stop it now. Nobody cares.
But I really have to thank nivi later for sure.

He asked me to leave this place yesterday, to be honest I don't know what to do but leaving just doesn't feel right. Maybe I should leave the things as they are and try to handle them.
No matter what I feel, I ain't that selfish to break or even try to come in between someone's relationship.
I will stay away from them because that's all I can do to keep myself alright.
I'm here for my friends and I can do this, it's just 5 days after all.
But my head, I just need painkillers right now, I took my surroundings all in and realised there were painkillers beside the side lamp and- is that a note?
I quickly got up to check it and oh my god.

I know you are going through all of this but I'm here and I know no matter how much I will force you, you will stay. And to be honest I don't want you to run from this situation either. Let's fight with it together. Remember I'm there for you, and because I know that you are going to have a bad headache, have these painkillers, it will really help.

My vision started to blur again, no way he's for real. I for sure have the best brother ever. Wiping my tears of,
I stand up and decided to have a steam bath to erase the memories. It will at least help 10%. Or maybe 20, you never know.

It was Mehandi today, I was happy because it was my first time attending a Mehandi function in India after I guess 4 years?
But it was time for breakfast right now and no matter how much I decline, I wanted to face every shit happening. So I got ready in a bright pink suit, it hugged my body so perfectly. I wanted to keep it simple but also something which would be appropriate because today was the starting of the 5 days function so ofcourse everyone was expected to wear something traditional.

***I locked the door of my room and with a deep breath, moved towards the venue

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I locked the door of my room and with a deep breath, moved towards the venue.

As soon as I entered, I took the place in, it was an open garden to be honest, and quite a lot of people who weren't there yesterday joined today.
Everyone was busy in their groups and then all of a sudden, Nivi and Cal came.
They both were looking good in their kurtas.

"Nivi told me everything about yesterday Alina, and I'm happy you chose to stay, but trust me we will be there for you"

"Cal, I- I'm so sorry I'm disturbing you guys to the edge-"
I hesitated.

"You are not, get this in your mind"
Nivi cut me off witha hind of anger in him.
I gave them a smile. Feeling relaxed that they understand me well.

"Thank you so much you guys"

"It's our duty, oh I have a call to attend, I'll leave you guys here"
And with that Cal left.

I signed again and tried to act normal.

"Alina, you don't have to act, just be yourself and trust me, if that Akartya came even an inch near you, he will leave this place with his dick chopped off"
Nivi said standing next to me looking at the crowd.
I chuckled at the statement he just made while realising how much he cared for me.
"Thank you so much Nivi"

"Oh c'mon you were always there for all of us and one more thing"
He continued coming a little closer to me. With a hint of anger shining bright in his eyes.
"You are not worthless, you better never call yourself that again"
And that shine was long gone.
Oh nivi.
I never thought that I would find a brother in him 10 years back.
"As you wish caption"
I replied with a small smile on my face.
And then Kri joined us. She was looking so pretty in her blue sharara.
"Hey Alina"
"Hello kri, you look fabulous"
"Oh shut up" she cried sarcastically, then we shared a small conversation and met Sid and Vikrti. Had our breakfast and left the place. It was 12 already, it was going to be a hectic day today with mehandi and then a cocktail party, I mean we are for sure going to have fun!

I wanted to see him, so badly but he wasn't there. I spotted Rihana but he wasn't there with her either.
Uh, letting the thought slid off my mind, I went in my room to change and to attend
some important calls.

This is what I decided to wear for mehandi because it was giving a hint of green and I really liked how everything was all in place

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This is what I decided to wear for mehandi because it was giving a hint of green and I really liked how everything was all in place.


The evening went in peace, and trust me when I say this, we all had the best time of our lives, we danced a lot, Sid and Vikrti are perfect for each other, they look so beautiful together. Everything was perfect but I couldn't spot him, my eyes went to every single corner but I couldn't find his. I did spot Rihana but she was alone just like in the morning.

I was just about to leave the place when I saw his, green magnificent eyes, staring back at me, oh god.
He was in his green attire and he looked like- everything.
As warm as the sun, as shiny as the moon, his eyes as pretty as any star in the universe. But his face was emotionless. Just his blank eyes staring back at me. I wanted to know why was he there alone leaning back on a stool in the corner.
But in just a minute, my questions were answered, his friends joined him and then he started to smile and have fun time with all the guys.

After all he's a guy with the greatest charm which everyone admires.

Sid and all the guys were around him, having their time. Shifting my gaze from him, I decided not to focus on him as he doesn't even care and with that I left the place.

I hope that you guys are loving ALINA AND AKARTYA's story till now. Do drop your thoughts, I would love to read them.

For more updates, check "crystalcoded" on Instagram.

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