~The change

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*Akartya's p.o.v*
I'm in Dubai right now. Exactly where I belong. It's been 2 days since I returned from the wedding but it just doesn't feel right.
Whenever I try to focus all I see is her. Her scared face. Her teary eyes. Why? It's not like I love her or something. I don't. But then why do I miss her? Why all I want is to spend my time with her.
Focus Akartya.
I decided to get myself into my work because I really need to focus on something other than her.
My thoughts got intrupted by a phonecall.
Nivid? Why is he calling me?

"Uh, hey Akartya"

"Hey man, is everything fine? What happened"

"I need your help. Look I hate to say this but I have seen care for her in your eyes and we have a problem."

"What's the matter man?"

"Akartya- Alina. She told me that she'll be exploring some new countries and will be gone on a vacation but the problem is that she also told me that she will give me updates but she didn't"
I waited for him to continue.

"And when I called her assistent she told me that no money has been taken out of her any of the accounts which is something I found suspicious. Then her driver told me that he left Alina to her parents house and asked him to leave"


"Akartya the problem is that her parents are dead. And she told me once that she doesn't like to go to that house because it reminds her of their sacrifices. And she's been living in that place which haunts her for like 2 days already. Can you go and check? I wanted to but-"

"Thanks Nivind for the information, I'll see what I have to do next"
I cut the call and wait what is this feeling? Why do I feel scared? Oh god.

"Get my private jet ready. I'm leaving
for India"

I was right now infront of the house of Alina's parents. It's a small house to be honest. And seems very old too. What is she doing here?
I ring the bell but no answer.
I waited for 2 mins before breaking the door.
Sorry uncle and aunty.

Ok but why is it to silent? The house was still dirty. But not as I expected it to be. Whatever. I opened the first two gates and no one was there. But when I opened the third room, Alina. She was there. Safe. But why the hell is she here? And why didn't she woke up when I rang the doorbell? And then my eyes fell on the medicine package. It was new which means she bought it recently. When I checked it, wait, is it sleeping pills? But why its 5 sections empty? 2 days and 5 pils?. Shit.

I ran to where Alina was sleeping and tried to wake her up. No response.
She took the sleeping pills in an excessive amount.

I never felt it. The last time I was scared was maybe when I was 14. But today, I'm feeling it again. I know I will not let her go. She's safe. But my heart? Why is it beating so fast. I swear to everything holy, if anything happens to her, I will not forgive my own damn self for letting her go.

But why am I feeling all of this? It's not that I like her.
Then why are you scared?

"She's alright. But she needs a good environment and happiness. She needs it if she wants to live. Because things like this can get worse"
Rick said. He's been a close friend to me here in India and is a doctor. I knew it that she would be safe here in his hospital. He owns I guess 12-13 branches in India but he was there to help on just one call is something I appreciate for sure.
"Thanks bro"

"Arey always"
He gave me a pat on my shoulder and left.

She was going through all this and she never told anyone anything? She had so many friends? And still was trying to shine? But not now, I'm there for her. I will give her millions of reasons to be happy. And to not shine.


*Alina's p.o.v*
I woke up in a car? Wait what? Am I kidnapped? My head was in someone's lap. He felt familiar. I panicked and tried to lift my chin up to see who it is and Akartya? What on the Earth is he doing? And where are we going? I tried to sit when his voice shocked me-

"Shh. Don't be scared, you are alright. Your head must be aching because of the medicines"

"What am I doing here? And where are we going?"
He sighed

Seriously? He has to be kidding me.

"Wait? Why?"

"I talked to your assistant, she said that you don't have any important meetings recently and the ones which are there are online. So yeah"

I removed his hands from my head and finally tried to sit when my head, it felt as a current? Everything started getting blur when his words gained my focus.

"Oh god Alina, I told you it will hurt"

"Akartya. Why are you with me? When you have a girlfriend and why-"

Did he just stop me? That also with his hands on my mouth? Seriously? But his hands are so big. I mean that also so rough. Why it feels nice. ALINA, GET IT RIGHT. FOCUS. I surely have some problem in my brain. For sure.

"Oh god Alina, I have told you so many times we are not in a relationship. I will tell you when the time will come ok? Right now, just understand that we are going to Sikkim to enjoy. And the question that why am I here, I wanted to spend some time. And then I saw that you needed a vacation so here we are"

Ok. So basically he just wanted a vacation. Nothing special. Phew. I decided to stay quite for the rest of the ride because there would be the same results. But how did he find me? And? And these medicines? All I remember is that I was in my parents house with those goddamn sleeping pills. How did I end up with him? Wow.

GUYS!! I know I posted this chapter a little late but I'll post regularly pakka se!! Also do tell me if you are liking the story till now!!!

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~stay safe

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