~The haldi

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I couldn't believe what was happening...I mean? Is it all for real? It was the 3rd day today and it was all happening so fast.
I was trying to wrap everything around my head.


But this side of Akartya is something I don't know about. I don't know where we stand in the relationship bar. But all I know is, that maybe I'm being too much in my own thoughts.

Maybe I'm being delusional?

I should not keep any expectations after everything, I want to trust him but I'm sacred. I don't even know if I mean something to him but whenever I'm around him, I want to share my heart out. I want to talk as if it's the last time I'm talking and all I care about at that moment is him.

When I'm with him, it's as if he's my endgame.

Stop it Alina.
My today's day was quite busy, I was in my room the whole time attending calls and what not. 2 days more and I guess we will part ways again.
It was time for Haldi ceremony now, and I started getting ready because I was already getting late.

This was my outfit

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This was my outfit.

Without giving my self a second thought, I left the room. Oh god. I don't want to do all of this.
As soon as I entered the venue, I tried to figure Akartya out. His deep green eyes were nowhere to be found.

And just then Call gave me a side hug and then I joined all of my friends.

It was my turn to put the haldi paste on the bride and on the groom. Just when I was about to leave as my turn was over,

ikrti hold my hand and Oh God.
She wrapped her hands all over my face. Uh, I did the same and I wasn't aware when but me and Vikrti started playing as if we were 5yr old. But I was just too happy. Once done with that
"Vi yrr, C'monn, you don't get to do all this alone"
I started laughing.

"Oh stop Alina, it's time for fun"

We both laughed and I stood up and went to the washroom with Kri to clean up. I was already looking a mess.

"Acha Alina, I wanted to talk to you about something"

I said while cleaning my face. I was just too busy in the fact that I didn't realise that Krii was staring at me.

"He's here. And you are alright? I can't tell you how happy I'm. But Is there something you are hiding? I saw you guys dancing in the engagement as if there was no problem in between you guys. I love you so much Alina and I don't want you to get hurt"

I stopped.
I looked at her and gave her a genuine smile.
"Kri, I'm alright. Don't tell this to Nivi or Cal, they'll kill me but I and Akartya talked. And be honest I don't know where do we stand but I'm happy. Yes I am. Trust me and I will take care for sure"

She sighed and nodded not satisfied with my answer.

"Krii, accha baba ok, I will tell you right away if anything happens and I'll tell you everything for sure happy now?"

She grinned

We had a fun talk and went to the venue.
He was there. With Rihana? Ok. Something in my heart shifted but I didn't let it take all over me.
I observed him.
He was in a yellow kurta and he was standing there listening but not giving Rihana an inch of interest whereas she was just talking I couldn't figure out what.
And just then his eyes fell on me, his shoulders tightened and I went from there to show that I have no insert in him.

What a great lie Alina.

For the rest of the day he tried to come near me but I ignored him. Because I just didn't feel good.

I was not leaving for my room when someone held my arm and made me face him. The touch was familiar and it was Akartya. I tried to remove his hand but he was just to strong.
"Are you ignoring me?
He was silent for a bit and then asked
"Look if you are angry let me explain"

"I'm not"
It was not a lie completely?
Something twitched in his left eye but he gives me a single nod and leaves me?

Ok. Unexpected but whatever.
But he wants me not to ignore him. Why?

I hope that you guys are loving ALINA AND AKARTYA's story till now. Do drop your thoughts, I would love to read them.
And trust me, the next chapters are just going to be on fire!.
I'm so sorry if the chapter is short and you found it boring, but trust me, the upcoming chapters will be interesting and sweet.
Just one more day as I'm having my finals. Thank you.

For more updates and spoilers, check "crystallcoded" on Instagram.

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