~The goodbye

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*Akartya's p.o.v*
Everyone was already busy in the reception but my eyes. They couldn't find her. And oh god Rihana. I'm trying to help her but she's just too much sometimes. I have already hurt Alina so much. I can't do that anymore. Fuck me.
But where the hell is she?

"Hey bro, Vi's some personal things are in this box and she's not letting any staff keep it in her room, she's afraid and I have to take care of the guests and shits. Can you please keep it there?"

"Yes, sure Bhai. Yeh bhi koi poochne ki baat hai? After all she's our bhabhi now"

I winked at him and took the box from his hand. I don't know but I was not getting a good feeling. As if something bad is going to happen or happening already. I need to check if Alina is alright. Alina is not even with cal or Nivind. Where is she?
I need to check on her, oh god but before I decided to keep that box in Vikrti's room.

When I reached there? Wait why is the door slightly opened?
And is someone there inside?
I opened the door and switched on the lights. And scanned the room. Everything seemed normal except -
Alina was sitting in the corner on the floor curled up in a ball but why was her dress torn? And her hairs? Oh god. Anger. Care. I couldn't decide what to show first. Whoever did this wrote his name on the deathnote.


I reached to her to hug her tightly when
"Please leave me, I swear I'll give you everything you need. Plea- please leave me"
I hugged her tightly. I couldn't think of anything else at that moment. But one thing was final, who the hell did this to her, he won't be able to see tomorrow's sun.

When she saw me she started crying hard. I made her sit on my lap and she buried her neck on my chest.

"He- he is com- coming for me. Please I- I don't want to see him. Please. I can't. Please"

And she started crying. Fuck, I can't see her like this. I hugged her tightly and started rubbing my hands around her back.

"Shh. I'm there. Nobody is going to harm you. I'm there for you. Breathe Alina. Nobody is coming."

"A- Akartya I- I will leave yo- you guys forever. Ple- please save me"

She was shaking.
It was all so messed up. She thinks that she's disturbing my relationship with Rihana which doesn't even exist.
I can't cause her much pain now.
I kissed her forehead and assured her that I was there. After some time she finally stopped shivering and she passed out. I couldn't hold it anymore, I called Nivind and told him everything. Cal, Nivind and Kri showed up.
I placed Alina on the bed. Oh god, she was relieved. Finally.

"I'll change Alina's clothes. You guys need to leave the room"
Kri said

Nodding we all left the room.

"Akartya you need to leave"

"Are you serious Nivind? Have you looked at her?"

"I care about her. That's the reason I don't want you anywhere near her. How will she feel when she'll find out about you being here? You have already caused so much pain and-"

"Punish me as much as you want but right now I need to see who did this to her. I fucking need to find him"

*Alina p.o.v*
I woke up with my eyes all red. My head aching.
It happened yesterday.
All of that. it's all haunting me. Oh god. I need to leave. I tried to remove the comforter when Kri came
"Good morning Alina. I know your head must be aching but trust me I brought these medicines, take these. You'll be fine"

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