~The start

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"Alina, wassup?"
Cal was on a call with me, I was on my private jet, about to reach India in an hour, I was so excited to go to India and live my childhood once again. The wedding was of 5 days in Udaipur. I was so so so excited to meet everyone.

"Heyy Cal, all good what about you? How are you doing? And have you reached already?"
Cal and Nivind have always been like brothers to me, we have met quite a lot of times but this time it was different because Nivind's finally cracked a huge deal, so now it was time to celebrate too.

Even if I'm a billionaire everybody talks about, I don't really care, for me my friends are still the most important and they cracking any milestone is like the best thing ever.

"Nah, I'll be reaching in an hour or two, and by the way Alina I know that you are a story women but are you sure you wanna do this? He'll be there, too."

I- I didn't know how to answer that to be honest,
I just. No matter how prepared I thought I was, I just couldn't but here I was on my jet, about to reach, so no going back.

"Don't worry about me Cal, I'll be alright, I'll see you there? Bye"

He knows that I'm lying, he do but before he could say something, I hung up.

After my school incident, I have always seen Akartya from a far. It has always been hard for me but I guess I have to do it.

But just for the show, I hve the best outfits ever, let's see who's gonna actually play the game now. I know that everybody will be having the best outfits ever after all, it's like a reunion for all of us, Sid invited mostly everyone of his and my batch which is Vikrti's batch too.

Just 5 days Alina, you can do it.

Saying that to myself, I drifted into a power nap because why not?.


I finally, reached to the destination, when I took the first step, I knew it that these 5 days are gonna be something. Shaking the thought, I when entered the venue, it was so beautiful?. It was the first thought I had in mind, I promised myself that I will go for a walk for sure but before that I went to check - in.

This is what I was wearing:-

It was pretty cozy and something which I liked pretty much

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It was pretty cozy and something which I liked pretty much. After check - in I saw Sid coming to me and omg, he was looking so good. Damn everybody had their glow ups.

"Heyy Alina? Long time no see huh?"

"Heyy Sid, congratulations Mr. Groom-to-be"

"Oh look at you, you are as beautiful as you were 9 years before?"

"You and your flirting skills" Sid was always a guy with the best rizz. He was my senior back then but more like a friend to me and I can't believe it that he's finally about to get married that also to me childhood friend!!
Just then I saw Vikrti joining us and before I could figure out more, her arms were all around me, I never felt this loved in my entire life and without any other thought, I hugged her back.

"Oh my god, hey Alina How are you? Do you know I have so much to tell you about and- omg I'm so sorry"

"Hey Vi, chill girl, I'm with you I mean I'm so happy for you, we were having signs about you guys but now it's finally official, and just talk your heart out girl!"

"Alina, you are just as I remember"
With that we had our basic small talk and after that they left because they both had some guests to attend, and why not I mean they are the couples after all! I'm so happy for them, And just when I thought this day could not go any better, I saw Nivind and Cal making their ways from the entrance.

Without any thoughts I ran and hugged both of them so tightly, I mean- I couldn't hold my happy tears!

"Hello Nivi and Call, I'm so happy to see you after such a long time"
Yes we did meet recently at a business of the year award show but it hardly matters right?

"Hey Alina, beautiful as always"
"Oh shut up Nivind, can't you guess, Our Alina is all dressed up to burn someone's ass, hm he's gonna regret it" said cal

"Oh shut up you guys"

And just with that we had our normal conversation, after chech-in we went for a small wal, Nivind told me that his girlfriend Kri will be joining all of us tonight.

I'm in my room right now so happy after meeting everyone. Doesn't matter how famous we all are, the love between us is something nobody can buy.
Tonight was a meet-up party and oh my god I was so excited especially to meet him...

Just with that thought, I decided to drift in a good sleep because why not? Oh my god, I'll be seeing him tonight.

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