~The meet

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I'm all set with my make up and dress. It is 8:15 pm to be exact.
This is how I'm looking.

Once all set, after giving my self one last touch up, I headed to the main venue

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Once all set, after giving my self one last touch up, I headed to the main venue. It was all light up.

Everyone was in their luxury dresses having a smile on their faces.

I spot Nivi sitting near the bar section, without giving a second thought, I went to him and figured out that he was with his gf Kri.

Kri was all set in her pretty beidge 2 piece set. She was looking stunning and when she took me all in, she hugged me and I hugged her back.

"Omg hey Alina, you look beautiful darling"

"Look who's saying"

She gave me a pat on my shoulders.
"What? Kri, you look stunning, just accept the fact"

"After all who's she is" Nivi said now standing beside her with his hand on her hands. Beautiful couples they are for sure, noted.
"Nivi, c'mon" kri said hesitantly.

"Actually I'll leave, you guys have your moment"

Trying not to disturb their moment I left. And then I had some quality time with the people I knew. Even met some new ones.

I was having my time just when, no no no I took him in, he was in his black Armani suit, leaning beside a table in a corner. With a- wait what?

Is she- Is she Rihana?
Alina chill, take deep breaths. You can do this. Just ignore them. You can do this.

Rihana is Akartya's ex and if she's here, this close to him, it means- it means they are still together.

My heart which is already broken broke into pieces once again. I didn't- I didn't know what to do at this moment so I choose the safest option. I RAN. I left that place as soon as possible. I went to the nearest washroom and closed the door of one segment and sat down. Not knowing what to do else.
It is fine Alina, it is. No matter how hard I tried, my tears were not just stopping. One after one, no I'm not this person, no wiping my tears I stand up and opened the door.

Facing the mirror, I stared back to my own self. After touching up my whole makeup, here I was again, Masking all of it. I can do this. I just have to ignore them.
Wiping my tears who were now forming again I headed to the venue.

I saw Cal leaning back on the counter and I reached him.
"Hey Alina oh- wait are you ok? Tell me are you?"

Trying as hard as I could I replied back
"Uh, yes all fine. I was just- you are looking fine Cal. Uh-"

"Alina, tell me are you ok?"

"Cal, trust me I'm oh by the way I have to go"
Before I could leave I saw Cal's muscles getting hard and just then I sensed something. He was behind me. Shit.
And when I turned to leave as soon as possible, our eyes locked. His blue magnificent eyes who held so much power were very familiar to mine. Before I could sense anything else I broke the eye contact and saw Rihana in her red one piece. She's so pretty. How can someone not choose her.

"Hello cal, oh hey Alina"
Akrtya said,

"Hello bro, how are you doing?"
Cal sensed that I was shaking but kept his gaze on Akartya,
"All fine man, you know just that boring stuff . What about you?"

"Nothing much to be honest"
And just then, shit. His gaze fell on me.

"Hello Miss. kirar"
Shit, Alina you can do this. Yes you can, shit.

"Hey, Mr. Marooni"
Deep breaths Alina.

"Oh, by the way guys she's Rihana, my girlfriend"
I tried to act as normal as I could and before I could think of anything else.

"I actually have some work so I'll see you guys later"

Before anyone could react I left that place.
I met Sid & Vikrti and left the place as soon as I could .

My heart, I just couldn't-
And before anything else could happen.
I entered my room and then everything went blur.

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