~The first day together

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We reached the place where we were supposed to stay.

Why the hell are you staying with him?
I wanted to argue. So badly but I already had enough especially after what happened at my parents house.

I really need to ask Akartya where he found me but I have no energy in me today.

It was already midnight.
We didn't stop to eat anything. I mean nothing I would complain about. It was supposed to be his responsibility.
This guy.

I talked to Ciara and she sent me my schedule for tomorrow. Telling me about all the meetings I have.
I really need a hot bath for sure.
The car drive was silent. Something I really appreciated.

We both were right now in front of a huge mansion. Woah. I was expecting a nice flat or something...but this? It was at such a height that I'm damn sure the view from the balcony would be breathtaking.

I followed Akartya and entered the huge mansion. Beautiful. That's the first thought which came in my mind. The mansion was cleaned and the royal look? Damn. It feels like I'm in those serials where the royal family owns the haveli. The only Exception? This mansion is much more going with the white/golden theme giving it a classy look. And there are workers? It's midnight.

A beautiful lady greeted us.
"Greetings sir, the rooms are ready"
Akartya nodded.

"Please take her to her room and give her a tour of the house"
You call this a house?

The lady in a beautiful dress simply nodded and I followed her because that was what I was supposed to do I guess.

The lady left me in my room after giving me a tour. Damn, if the mansion was beautiful then this room is something to die for. The person who made this mansion had a nice choice. For sure.

When I removed the curtains, I saw a big waterfall with greenery and the mountains. Every single car passing by looked so small.
The first thing I did was to call Ciara and ask her to send me some dresses from my personal designer because I literally had no clothes.

Someone knocked on my door and it was the same lady who gave me a tour.

"Ma'am what would you like to have for dinner?"

"Uh, nothing thank you and please can you stop calling me that? Just call me Alina"

"Okay but sir asked me to serve you dinner"

"I'll make something for my self if I'll feel like it"
Do you even know how to cook?

Phew. She left. It's all so scary for me. I mean it's all too new. And I don't even know how to blend.
You don't need to blend.
Yes, whatever.
I had a meeting so I made myself busy into work to erase the feeling.

It was 4 in the morning. I wanted to eat something. I did have a nice sleep. But my sleep got disturbed because of the hungriness... Do you even know how to cook?
I mean there's always a first time.

I have never cooked in my entire life. When I was a kid, my mother used to cook for me and then my chefs...
But now? Here I'm.
I decided to leave my room and it was all so dark. Thanks to the lady who gave me a tour or else I would have lost for sure.
I came down and was heading to the kitchen when my eyes fell on him.
Wait? What was he doing in the dinning area? My questions were answered when I saw 3 screens infront of him self. But why wasn't he in his home office? Whatever.
I'm not talking to him right now for sure.
I decided to go to the kitchen when-


"Oh, uh hey"

He switched on the lights with the remote he had on his table. And his gaze fell on me and then my body.
Wait. Why is he feeling so nervous all of the sudden? Confused I looked down at my body too and wow.

Thank you God for this. Always blessed.

Ciara made my outfits delivered in 2 hours and I changed myself into my night dress.
The worst part? It was too exposing. The cloth material was very thin, sticking to my body like my second skin. The shorts were extra short barely covering my thighs and the upper part was basically hanging on my skin with two very thin straps. That is also in red colour.
Surely dead.
Barely covering my body in conclusion.

At least your cleavage is not exposed
. Shut up. It's not your house Alina.

"I- uh- I better go back to my room"
Embarrassment was the only thing I could see right now. I was about to head back to my room when he stopped me

"Wait, why were you awake? You need something?"

And of course my stomach betrayed myself. God. This sound. My face turned red in embarrassment.

"You want to eat something?"

"Yes, I mean I wanted to but I don't feel like it anymore"

"Follow me"

Ok my lie is ignored.  He started coming closer and closer. Alina breathe. Just when he turned around and took me to the kitchen.
Alina, what are you doing?
My dress. I really need to take care of that.

We entered the kitchen

"What would you like to eat?'

"Akartya I'll be honest I don't know how to cook and I don't see anyone here who can cook for me. So I guess it leaves only one option which is I should head back to my room without eating"

"I can cook"

I started laughing at his sudden confession. He's lying. I know he is.
His brows shot up.

"You think I can't?"

"Prove me wrong"
I challenged. And he passed a smirk.

Sounds delicious.

Wait is he serious? He actually started taking out the materials?

"So you were not kidding?"
I asked while sitting on the counter.
He shrugged.
Watching him cook feels so wrong. The way he is cooking it's as if he's basically flexing his every single DAMN muscle. Oh god. Watching him like this should be illegal and-
Alina stop it.
Yes. Ok.

"So when did you learn to cook?"

"It's a long story"
He answered while cooking.

"Hmm, make it short then"

"Well my mother taught me how to cook"
Okay. It's just a statement. What's so complicated about it?

"But the reason because of which she taught me all of this is not good"
He passed me a small smile which did not reach his eyes.
Once done we sat on the couch.
But the fascinating part? I ate and he just watched me. The silence between us was so comforting as if his eyes were telling me that's it's alright to be sad. It's alright to not be able to be always happy. There was warmth in those eyes. But the silence between us was so soothing.
I never knew I would have sandwiches at 4am that also with Akartya.


Hope you guys are doing well<3
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