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By Tuesday morning, all hangovers gone and alcohol-induced brazenness subsided, 'things' were back to normal, as far as I could tell. Or well, that is to say, Talyn and I behaved as usual—before he came to Cal and well...but even though we were acting the same, somewhere just below the surface, we both knew that if things were a little different...

Despite the fact that few people 'understood' why we were friends, I'd been told more than once that Talyn and I seemed to share a secret that no one else was in on. Now, I finally felt like we did. And I was OK with that.

After all, I was in love with someone else. Any doubts I may have had subsided when a dozen roses showed up at my house before noon.

I can't wait to feel whole again, the card read. Love, Barton Black.

I smiled, seeing that he used his first and last name.

We drove to Norman with the windows down and the sunroof of the Tahoe open. The plan was for me to hang out with Barton after the show since the tour wasn't leaving for Wichita until the next morning. Talyn was staying with Jason Mandrino for the night.

Speaking of Jason, he was coming with us to the show. I was quietly looking forward to all the...Dukes of Hazzard being together for a while. Having them along for my reunion with Barton, Alex and Seth only made things feel that much sweeter. If I could focus on that--the sweetness--and ignore the guilt I had in the pit of my stomach, it seemed that today had all the makings of a really great day.

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