Chapter 24: Marinette in Paris

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(Three hundred and four thousand, six hundred and third Quantic Universe Earth, Paris, France, Tuesday, October 13th, 2015, third person POV...)

In Marinette's bedroom, Marinette narrates as she writes in her journal, "Marinette's journal. Tuesday, October 13th, 2015. Today, at school, Ms. Bustier asked us to list our top three favorite monuments in Paris in general. That alone made me think of everything I loved the most about the city in another timeline that became my home once I underwent rebirth and once I regained my memories of my original future. For number three, I chose the Louvre Palace. I mean, sure, it started off as a royal fortress back in the 1800s, but these days, even in the first half of the 21st century, it's now revered as one of the greatest museums in the world. At least, all across the multiverse in the 21st century, in Venus Thrushcrown's words. Whenever my army and I have to fight Akumatized villains in the Louvre, we're not only saving people, but also priceless works of art that are one-of-a-kind, irreplaceable, worth lots of money, and important to many cultures in our city. Although, I did get at least one opportunity to enjoy the painting of the Mona Lisa.

Anyway, my second favorite place that I selected was none other than the Trocadéro itself. Myself and my friends from school, we tend to hang out there any chance we get. Not only that, and this might be a coincidence, but it's also the place where Alix got Akumatized into Timebreaker for the second time in a row according to my memories and for the first time in a row in this timeline because her family's pocket watch heirloom, secretly the future Rabbit Miraculous in disguise, got totaled during her birthday race against Kim, partially thanks to Chloe's past self being a (bleep!) and thanks to Melissa O'Quinn being a (bleep!) to replace Chloe as the school bully before we had her removed from school permanently. And yes, I'm using censor bleeps to censor any swear word I write because, let's face it, it wouldn't exactly look good for my reputation among kids in the real world where I and everything about my sector of the Quantic Multiverse is fictional if they ever heard me or my voice actress using a swear word on TV. Anyway, aside from being the place where the battle with Timebreaker takes place, it's also in direct vicinity to the Hotel de Ville, along with being the starting point where the past selves of me and my team consisting of myself, Cat Noir, Rena Rouge, Queen Bee, and Carapace assembled to prepare for the Battle of the Scarlet Army in the Heroes' Day episode incidents. Maybe we'll do something similar when Heroes' Day actually does arrive when we have superior numbers. Who knows? Anyway, back on topic. The Trocadéro is also where I get inspiration for my fashion design projects. And the Trocadéro esplanade gives off the perfect ground view of my number 1 favorite monument in Paris: the Eiffel Tower.

The Eiffel Tower standing proudly in the 1st Arrondisment is over one thousand and sixty-three feet high and tall. It casts a shadow over the city like a giant Transformers Titan-sized lighthouse. Why? Because it lights up at night, even on nights in December where it snows before and after Christmas. When you stand at the very top of it for humans to access, the people on the streets below look like baby ants learning how to sense danger. I also recently remembered something I once learned in one of my history classes back in the original timeline: the Eiffel Tower was built for the 1889 World Fair, and it was about to be torn down, brick by brick, steel beam by steel beam. When I learned that for the first time, I was like, "What?" because I didn't want to disturb my old class just because I was shocked and outraged at the time. Fortunately, it passed the test of resilience, time, and worth-proving. But I think that the thing I love best about the tower is that it's considered invulnerable, like Superman, Supergirl, Superboy, The Hulk, She-Hulk, Red Hulk, Red She-Hulk, Mainstream Primus, Mainstream Unicron, the Apex Armor, and pretty much other kinds of superheroes, supervillains, and powerful relics and weapons of godlike beings like Primus and God Himself that I can think of, but without the Eiffel Tower's '"invulnerability"' being taken literally. Every day that I have patrol or I have to deakumatize a supervillain created by Hawk Moth, canon or otherwise, I can't help but tearfully thank God and His Son for blessing me to live in Paris and get to see the sights through Ladybug's eyes, something children and superheroes in any sector of the Omniverse with no powers can only dream about. No one quite knows the city like I do and like my army does. Even if we're on missions, we can't stop ourselves from taking a short break to gaze at the beautiful, metaphorically magical City of Love and Lights we live in whenever God plans for it in the Book of Life. But in fact, a top twenty wouldn't be enough to be on my list of favorite Parisian monuments. I remember the Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral, which in real life according to the Interdimensional Travelers was set on fire on April 15th, 2019, right around the time that the beginning stages of the 2019-2026 Coronavirus Pandemic swept their Earth, as well as the Grand Palais, the large palace, exhibition hall, and museum complex that Mr. Pigeon used for his base and dungeon during his Akumatization debut and where Style Queen and Queen Bee make their Miraculous wielding superhero and Akumatized supervillain debuts, and even the Avenue des Champs-Élysées among others... Heh, all right, all this talking about Paris has just put me in the mood for a stroll around the city in the sunshine. Ta-ta, for now."

The End.

(Author's notes: How's that for a webisode four, ladies and gentlemen of the Miraculous jury?

Also, that part about the Coronavirus pandemic is just a fanmade timeline of when it begins and ends because, in real life, the pandemic is still happening and there's no guarantees that it'll end any time soon. And even if it did, there's no guarantees that it'll stay that way after it comes to an end, and there's also no guarantees that the factors responsible for the pandemic in the first place – not naming people or anything else because fanfiction websites are not the correct or appropriate places to use to talk about real life politics even in our stories – won't cause the whole thing to happen all over again, but with a stronger vengeance. So, take that part of this chapter with a big grain of salt.

See you all in chapter 25: The Evillustrator.)

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